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A dying Muslim and the importance of uttering the Shahada

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IN the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

“Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah, Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu-Allah” (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah).” This is the Shahada, the Testimony of Faith.

Uttering the Shahada at the point of death is considered highly important in Islam for several reasons. It is particularly the declaration of faith. Reciting the Shahada reaffirms a person’s faith in Allah (SWT) and the Prophet (SAW), and ensures that they die as a Muslim.

Forgiveness of sins is very important. According to Hadiths, saying the Shahada at the time of death can lead to forgiveness of sins, with Paradise guaranteed. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Whoever dies saying ‘La ilaha illallah’ will enter Paradise.”

Saying the Shahada can make transition to the afterlife easier. The privilege of saying the Shahada is also a source of blessing for a deceased Muslim. The Shahada brings the blessings and mercies of Allah (SWT) to the dead. It is also a fountain of comfort for the love ones. Hearing the Shahada uttered by a dying Muslim can bring comfort to family and friends, with the knowledge that the person shall die with his or her faith intact.

It should be stressed that the Shahada should be recited with conviction, sincerity, and a clear mind. If the person is unable to speak, it is recommended to prompt him or her to say it or say it on behalf of the sick Muslim.

Here are some Hadiths of the Prophet (SAW) that support the utterance of the Shahada at the point of death:

“Whoever dies saying ‘La ilaha illallah’ will enter Paradise.” (Sahih Bukahari, Sahih Muslim)

“Prompt your dying people to say ‘La ilaha illallah’. For whoever dies saying it will enter Paradise.” (Sahih Muslim)

“Teach your dying people to say ‘La ilaha illallah’ for it is the key to Paradise.” (Sunah Abu Dawud)

“Whoever’s last words are ‘La ilaha illalah,’ will enter Paradise, even if he was a sinful person.” (Sunah Ibn Majah)

“The one who dies saying ‘La ilaha illalah’ will be forgiven for his sins, except for debt.” (Sahih Bukhari)

“When a person is about to die, remind him to say ‘La ilaha illaha,’ for Allah forgives whoever says it at the time of death.” (Jami’at Tirimidhi), and;

“Whoever dies with ‘La ilaha illaha’ on his lips will be granted Paradise.” (Sunah an-Nasai)

These Hadiths emphasise the importance of uttering the Shahada at the point of death, highlighting its benefits, including forgiveness of sins and guaranteed entry into Paradise.

Mention must also be made of the importance of the sick Muslim being made to lay facing the Qiblah, which is the only direction towards which all Muslims turn in Salat (prayers) and that direction is towards the Ka’bah in Mecca. The sick person should be encouraged to lay on his or her right side, but if this would not be comfortable, he or she could be laid on his or her back for convenience. This is based on several Hadiths, including the following:

“Die facing the Qiblah, for it is a blessing.” (Sahih Muslim)

“When one of you is about to die, face him towards the Qiblah.” (Sahih Bukhari)

“Face the dying person towards the Qiblah, for it is a mercy from Allah.” (Jami’at Titimidhi)

Facing the Qiblah at the time of death is considered a way of showing devotion and obedience to Allah (SWT). With this spiritual act, we seek the blessings and mercy of Allah (SWT). It also ensures a peaceful and dignified passing.

It is a common practice in Muslim communities to adjust the bed or position of the dying person to face the Qiblah, as a sign of respect and to facilitate a peaceful transition to the afterlife.

And when the sick Muslim eventually passes on, there are certain acts of Sunnah that are immediate and incumbent on the relatives and very intimate associates of the deceased which should be performed on the dead person. First of all, they should gently close the deceased’s eyes in order to keep their dignity and prevent the eyes from drying out. They should make effort to straighten the body and limbs so as to ensure that the deceased is kept in a dignified position. The body must be covered with a cloth or sheet to maintain modesty, dignity and protect the deceased from exposure. Muslims who are on the spot should recite the Takbir “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest) to announce the person’s passing and to begin the process of preparing the body for burial.

Informing others such as family members, friends and the Muslim community about the passing in order for everyone to get prepared and participate in the funeral prayer and burial is the next line of action.

Then comes the speedy washing and shrouding (Ghusl and Kafan). Washing and shrouding of the body must be arranged for as soon as possible, following the Sunnah.

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