Collins Nnabuife | Abuja

A meeting on the harmonization of reports on the technologies demonstrated and adopted across all priority value chains so far under the Agro-Processing, Productivity Enhancement and Livelihood Improvement Support (APPEALS), opened today at the Project’s National Coordination Office, NCO in Abuja.
APPEALS project is a six year World Bank assisted project designed in line with the Agricultural Promotion Policy (APP) of the Federal Government.
The project has a target of reaching 60,000 persons in the six participating states, but from the last review of the project implementation, about 55,864 persons have been assisted in the project.
It is expected that 35 per cent of the beneficiaries of the project will be women and youths who will be empowered along Rice, Cocoa, Poultry, Cashew, Maize, Ginger, Diary, Wheat, Tomato, Cassava and Aquaculture value chains.
The project in being implemented in Enugu, Lagos, Kogi, Kaduna, Kano and Cross River State.
The meeting, which was declared open by the National Project Coordinator, Alh. Mohammed Sani Jobdi, is being coordinated by the Project Operations Manager – Dr. Salisu Garba.
Other participants attending the meeting from the NCO include the Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) – Technology Demonstration and Adoption; SMS -Productivity Enhancement and other relevant staff, while from the states, the Productivity Enhancement Specialists and selected Value Chain Facilitators covering the 11 priority value chains are in attendance.
The 3-day meeting is a follow-up on a resolution reached recently at the progress monitoring meeting of the World Bank with the APPEALS Project implementing teams at national and state levels, to harmonise all demonstrated and adopted technologies under the project.