Nationnewslead reports that The Association of Telephone Cable TV and Internet Subscribers of Nigeria.(ATCIS) joins the rest of the world to mark the Year 2021 World Consumer/ Subscriber Rights Day 15th March 2021. Association of Telephone, Cable TV and Internet Subscribers of Nigeria.(ATCIS) the No 1 Subscriber advocacy body promoting Subscribers’ interests in Nigeria as well as defending their rights with over 208 million telephone Subscriber members across six geopolitical in Nigeria.

(ATCIS) has been the leading telecom masses advocacy since it was founded in 2014. Hon Prince Sina Bilesanmi aka OJUEKO, National President Speaking with his Excos member’s and press men at Port Harcourt in River State. Today on his determination to continued to “SORO SO KE” means speaking out and fighting for the rights of Nigerian Telephone, Cable TV and Internet subscribers, Hon Sina Bilesanmi said over the years, in its sustained effort in protecting the interest and right of telecoms subscribers in Nigeria, the association, ATCIS has spent about N370 million since 2014 till date which has basically been on self- sponsored by members without Government agency like NCC, NBC,FCCPC and NIMC input.
The association has made over 700 newspaper publications, both local and international as well as online news publication, Radio and National Television Station Interviews with about 98 landmark achievements so far.
You and I have seen that indirectly, the Operators of PAY TV control by NBC in Nigeria are doing everything to take us back to the past, when only a few people could afford to use the service. This may not be their direct action, but by implications, it is just more or less the same.
Today, we say NO to extortion of Nigerians by pay-tv operators in the country who have refused to listen to the laws of the land, pains and cries of the people and all they want is keep milking Nigerian subscribers even at a critical time such as this.
All Subscribers in Nigeria are totally ashamed and disappointed at Mr. John Ugbe, Managing Director of Multichoice DSTV/GOTV based on his response towards Pay-As –You Go. Mr. John Ugbe,, said it would not be able to implement the policy of PAYGO. According to him, Pay Per View (PPV), is most times confused for PAYGO model deployed by mobile telecommunication companies, the PAYGO model as offered in the telecommunication business is a metered service where consumers are billed only for the service they consume and not for a fixed period.
Whatever the figure out there, we believe the time these operators have spent in Nigeria is enough for them to learn how to treat Nigerian subscribers with fairness and empathy, given how much they realise yearly from their operations in the country. On the contrary however, they have continued to be insensitive and nonchalant. From where we stand, ATCIS can say that this people lack regards for subscribers satisfaction and sense of social responsibility.
To clear any doubt, this attribute manifested as the operators insisted on hiking subscription rates in Nigeria, even at the peak of the Coronavirus pandemic which had already wrecked havoc on the means of livelihood of many Nigerians. MultiChoice & Startimes for instance insisted on collecting more from Nigerians. It was hell bent that Nigerians must pay more for the same service even when they earn less.
On this matter, we have met MultiChoice & Startimes with a couple of times to iron things out. All our efforts and messages have been falling on deaf ears. In other countries, operators. have had to soft-pedal on price increase in order not to burden their subscribers unnecessarily.
ATCIS remains resolute to ensure that pay-TV subscribers in Nigeria are treated with fairness by the operators. We stand against price hikes that smack of extortion and exploitation. The fact that Nigerians are getting used to the pay-tv services does not mean we should be incurring more cost than necessary, especially as majority of the people spend only few hours to access the content. There should be fairness in pricing.
Pay-per-view as the way to go. We have said this over and over again. The only thing that we want to say is that, pay-tv subscribers from the jaws of the operators are to start running Pay-per-view model. Years have passed and we are still on this matter. We are not asking the operators to give us the service pro bono, all we are saying is: let us pay only for what we watch and nothing more.
We are aware that ATCIS the initiators who pushed pay as you go to Senate/House of Representative Committee on Communications recently summoned one of the operators to talk about the possibility of running pay-per-view subscription model in Nigeria. Of course, the response of the operators will always be predictable. They will keep telling us that technically, pay-per-view is not possible.
We are not surprised to hear this however. Something similar had happened before when we were made to believe that per seconds billing of GSM voice service was an illusion. But later, the impossibility suddenly became a possibility when another operator introduced per second billing system.
So, we refuse to buy the idea that pay-per-view is not possible in Nigeria because this same model is being used in some other countries.
We insist that there must be a new subscription regime for pay-tv operation in Nigeria. Even if the current subscription model would be retained, we need pay-per-view model to be another option. This will give people a choice.
To the authorities: ATCIS is worried to see that after the Nigerian authorities gave directives to the operators especially MultiChoice the owner DSTV/GOTV & Startimes to reduce subscription rates and introduce pay-per-view model, nothing has changed despite the clamour of the people’s. Yet, nobody was sanctioned or called to face the music. We sometimes wonder if our Govt. authorities are truly for us; or if at all they even possess the nerve to face those that are violating the laws of the land. Extortion of the people via pricing is not just a subtle offence; it is a serious issue that must be addressed.
At this point, We demand that Nigerian authorities, such as the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC), Ministry of Information and Culture, Ministry of Telecommunication and Digital Economy, Nigerian Communication Commission.(NCC), Federal Competition & Consumer Protection Commission and the National Assembly work together to carry out a cost-based research of the pay-tv market to be able to set floor and cap for subscription rates in the country.
Secondly, in respect of pay-per-view, ATCIS urge the authorities again to stop depending on only what they are told by operators as regards the technical possibility of the pay-per-view model. This is nothing but laziness on the part of the Nigerian authorities. We still remember vividly how such indolence in telecoms sector cost Nigerians billions of naira two decades ago because the authorities simply believed what they were told that per-second billing system was not possible.
Let the authorities do their thorough research regarding pay-per-view model and how it is being used in other countries and why Nigeria cannot be an exception. If they can do this, they would not need to be ladled by the operators whose primary intention, if not only interest, in Nigeria is to make money even at the expense of subscribers’ welfare.
To President Muhammadu Buhari , we believe now is the right time for President Muhammed Buhari’ administration to fire leaders of those agencies that are not ready to work with him to promote the rights of subscribers through the agencies. So much is expected from National Broadcasting Commission, Nigerian Communication Commission, Orientation Agency, Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission,FCCPC and others. The failure of the agencies will be blamed on the Buhari’s administration. The President must rise up and do something.
We can see that, through ATCIS the Nigerians have awakened to defend their rights and interests because they have waited for too long for the authorities to do the right thing but with no hope in sight.
Late Chief Awolowo said that, Nigerians will rise to fight for themselves because nobody will fight for them. Oppressor are Network Providers, Pay Tv investors like DSTV, GOTV, STARTIMES, the bad one’s among Govt agency, Lawmakers, Policy makers, who do not give freedom willingly for example ATCIS have demanded since March 10, 2020, today make it one year ago we demanded all this items listed from Govt agency in Nigeria (NCC, NBC & FCCPC ) they’re the major problem to 208 Million Subscribers from NCC & NBC to MNOs that
(1) As stakeholders; ATCIS must always be carry along.
(2) Any products by Mobile Network Operators / Service Provider’s for Subscribers interest must Seek ATCIS endorsement.
(3) Improved quality of Telecom Services.
(4) Reduction in the tariff’s of Data & Voice.
(5) Drop call should be uncharge for.
(6) Borrowing of funds at 15% interest rate is a high rate, ATCIS call for 5% charge’s
(7) Affordable & Reliable internet service should be provided for Subscribers
(8) Free data & call’s on every Nigeria independent day October 1st, just one day to all my members with over 200 million Subscribers yet to be implemented, NCC should take note,
(9) Oppressor are those from NBC who are against Pay Per View or Pay As You Go (PPV or PAYG).
Until we Telecom Subscribers, Concerns Lawmakers, Policy makers, Govt. agency in Nigeria stand up together and demand for our rights as a King not a slave. Know your Rights as a Subscribers, Be Respected & Be protected. ATCIS is watching, ATCIS number is our Strength.
Hon Sina Bilesanmi said very soon ATCIS Success Story achievements so far to all Subscribers Press Conference will come up by next Month April 2021.
For more information visit
Email: atcisnigeria@gmail.com
Instagram: atcisnigeria
Twitter: @atcis9ja
Facebook: atcisnigeria
P.o.Box: 8356, Marina
call ATCIS: 07052713300.
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