Christmas is here and it is the season of giving and sharing. But a major challenge at this period is getting the right gifts for loved ones.
One of the mistakes people make when buying gifts for others especially at Xmas is based on the belief that giving more stuff is ideal and makes people happier.

This is however not the truth because joy doesn’t come from how big a gift is or how expensive. Also, having all the resources doesn’t mean one can give gifts that will be serviceable and appreciated.
How can perfect gifts be chosen during this season?
Don’t add to their problems by forcing people to make a gift decision by picking a gift that forces them to pick a gift like gift cards which becomes a burden when pass the decision-making to them. This also goes for gifting experiences without a date attached so they don’t just forget the voucher somewehere without using it due to procrastination.
Give cash if you have to because money is always useful
Give problem solvers. Give them something that will make life easier for them and it doesn’t have to be expensive. However, don’t solve problems they don’t know they have.
Buy practical presents that last; give things they will be able to use for long like household or body accesories.
If it is affordable, it is better to give them what they want and not what we think is better for them.
When dealing with people that say they have everything they need, don’t take their words just like that, it is time to be creative and not think it means you have to be extra generous or go out of your way. For such people. it is better to find out what they will appreciate which is not only material; atimes we can give time and attention. To some people, giving them time and attention is more than money.
Give something useful; people value a useful item more if they receive it as a gift than if they buy it for themselves because of the sentiments attached.
Go often with physical items, they make better gifts than experiences for such occasions.
Try fun wrapping. Small gifts can be disguised in a giant package or use a gag gift style where the original gift is hidden in another gift.
If you can’t afford the best, think smaller or pool together funds with other gift-givers who are also looking for opportunity and not have to think of a gift.