BREAKING: Another Popular Nigerian Pastor Is Dead

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Nationnewslead reports that the founder and the General Overseer of New Testament Christian Mission International, Pastor Moses Rahaman Popoola is Dead.

According to the report, Pastor Moses Rahaman Popoola died on 19th, Wednesday, 2022, after brief illness suspected to be old age related sickness.

…….His Church said, “With heart full of gratitude to the Almighty God for a life well spent, we announce the glorious exit of our beloved General Overseer MOSES ABDULRAHAMAN POPOOLA which took place in the afternoon of Wednesday 19th, January 2022 after a brief illness.”


,,,,New Testament Christian Mission International with headquarters in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, West Africa was founded in 1982, the ministry has steadily grown over the years with branch churches in cities, towns and villages in Nigeria and foreign countries.


,,,,,Pastor Moses Rahaman Popoola is a native of Omu-Aran in Kwara State, Nigeria, he was born into a very strong Muslim family. His grandfather was a notable Imam. They have a family mosque where they pray five times per day. He studied Arabic in his secondary education. He believed by his own righteousness and good works, he could earn and develop his relationship with God. So he grew up as a devoted Muslim.


…..He later received the Holy Ghost Baptism accompanied with speaking in tongues. This changed his prayer life and understanding of the word of God. A deep passion for God and lost humanity was shed abroad in his heart by the Holy Spirit. He suffered a lot of persecution and was rejected and disowned by his family for over 35 years. However, during these years, he had several divine encounters with Christ. Among them is the March 1975 experience in which the Lord appeared to him while he was in the University and called him to take the gospel of grace to the world. By divine appointment, he met Florence in the year 1975 and they married in 1979. Together they began to seek the Lord intensively on daily basis, evangelize and teach the word of God while they were still working in the civil service. This gave birth to the gospel ministry.


,,,,,In 1968, everything changed through the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ to him. Rahaman had an unforgettable spiritual experience that transformed his life forever. Under a deep hunger and thirst to know God, he prayed for salvation as he put his trust in the finished work of Christ. His heart was set aglow spiritually and flooded with the presence of God. He felt overwhelmed and consumed by the love of God. It was as if heaven literarily came down unto his heart. The entire creation looked heavenly and glorious. It was as if he was in a new world. God became so real to him. He could talk to God and could hear God talk to him through his spirit. He has never remained the same. He held the church’s first service in their apartment at Ita Amodu in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria in December 1982 with only few people in attendance who have been mightily blessed and impacted through them. The congregation moved from this location to three other different locations before settIing in the present auditorium of about 2000 seat sanctuary called New Testament Christian Mission International Headquarters, Ilorin. He has been pioneering the planting of several satellite and branch churches together with a team of elders and church workers in the organization since 1982.


……In 1993, he had a definite call of God to leave his career as an Economic Development Planner in the Governor’s office of Kwara State Government Ilorin, Nigeria to preach Christ to the world. He obeyed the Lord by voluntarily retiring from Kwara State Civil Service that same year as Acting Director of Budget and Planning.


,,,,,Moses Rahaman Popoola holds a B. Sc. Degree in Geology (ABU, Zaria), post graduate degree in Economic Planning (ISVE, Italy) and Masters in Business Administration (Unilorin). He is deeply involved in Christ centered evangelism, church planting, discipleship and leadership development. He has a television ministry across several states in Nigeria. He preaches on international channels also. He has authored a number of Christ centered and life-transforming publications that have been having great impact on readers’ lives. He has deep compassion to win the lost to Christ and help them to grow in Christ.


,,,,,A much sought- after conference speaker who has impacted millions of people to pursue a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Moses Rahaman Popoola and his wife Florence are blessed with four children and grand children. They live in Ilorin, Nigeria.




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