You don’t have to be a class teacher to express your love for teaching. There are other things you can do to impart knowledge. Let’s take a look at them together.
1. Public speaking
The art of public speaking allows you to speak to different people, regardless of their number, to educate them, create awareness, or inform them about something. Regardless of what the aim is, knowledge is being imparted. It doesn’t have to be a classroom for it to be teaching. All you need are people willing to listen and a message you can correctly communicate.

However, to be a public speaker, you need to learn some basic skills to ensure a smooth and effective speech delivery to your audience.
2. Community management
Another unconventional way to express your teaching talent apart from being a class teacher is through community management. Being a community manager allows a community of people to engage with your content. Also, you can impart knowledge in any form you find suitable and engaging for them. It could be through storytelling, copywriting, content writing or video content creation. You’re on track as long as you’re keeping in touch with them while doing what you love and carrying them along.
3. Digital course
You can create courses online for people all over the world. You have something to share that would not only impart knowledge but also improve the quality of their life; you can create online resources that will make this possible. You can create audio, video, written or visually appealing content or courses that can solve puzzles and create answers to questions that people have.
4. Coaching
You can be a coach and a symbol of guidance, directing people on the path that they should go. You can be responsible for managing people and training them with a specific goal within a period. So, if you don’t want to be a class teacher, your role as a coach will involve helping people identify their goals and guide them towards progress that aligns with them.
5. Mentorship
A mentor sees your blind spots, helps you turn them into strengths, and guides you every step of the way, all to achieve a goal. Beyond being a class teacher, you can be that person who would provide professional insight from the wealth of experience that you’ve gathered.
6. Counselling
You can get trained to be a professional who guides people through strategic phases of their lives to improve their overall well-being. You can help people by working through their issues with them. Above all, you can be a symbol of guidance for them.
7. Academic research
You could contribute your quota by doing research to improve academic teaching methods.
Above all, passion might not be all you need to maximise your full potential. You also need to get trained to optimise your love and skills.