Technology and the use of the internet have continued to pose the need to protect every information from intruders. Cybercriminals are everywhere; they are attackers, and thieves who hack data, and personal information for their selfish needs. That’s why you need to know about cybersecurity in order to curb these internet fraudsters.
Cybersecurity is protecting information from attackers. What characterizes the 21st century from every other, is technological advancement. It has brought both positive and negative effects to our lives. Here are important things you should know about cybersecurity.
What is cybersecurity?

The essence of cybersecurity is to protect networks, information and programmes from digital attacks. Usually, the motive of cyber attackers is to extort and destroy every personal detail like your bank account and business deals.
Cybersecurity is becoming more challenging
As technology is advancing, attackers are becoming more innovative which makes cybersecurity more challenging to curb. However, we still need to know how to keep our data safe by learning and knowing more about cybersecurity. Regardless of the obstacles, the urge to keep data safe is now very concerning across the world. Information theft has become the fastest-growing segment of cybercrime. Revealing too much information on the internet has made it easy for attackers. Even governments and organizations are not spared; hackers can destroy data to cause mistrust within the system.
Why you need to be more conscious
First, get it out of your mind that everything you save on your device cannot be tampered with. Exposing your personal information can make you a target. You don’t share confidential information like your financial information such as credit card, business deals, intellectual property and so on. Cybercriminals are everywhere; they are closer than you think.
How to protect yourself from cyber attacks
- Ensure you update all anti-virus systems on your device regularly.
- Whenever you fill anything online; be it opening a social media account or job application, endeavour to use a strong password for such a process.
- Protect your Wi-Fi network by encrypting it. There shouldn’t be an intrusion from anyone using your network provider.
- Only use verified sites with “https”– you can check through the link of the website if it has.
- Don’t download anything you cannot verify. Don’t click on a disturbing advert even if you are compelled to do so; just leave the page once your internet security suggests it’s not safe to go further.
- Don’t hesitate to block intrusive email senders, callers and messages.