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Edo PDP commends NWC for peaceful process

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The Edo Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has commended the National Working Committee (NWC) for the conduct of the Ward delegates election in Edo.

The exercise described by the state PDP as peaceful, credible and transparent was conducted to elect delegates for its forthcoming governorship primaries.

In a press statement issued by Mr. Anthony Anenih, Edo PDP Organising Secretary, the party condemned the alleged adoption of its eight officials who were heading to Etsako Central Local Government Area for the election.

He said: “The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) ward delegates election to elect the three ad hoc delegates has been concluded across the 18 Local Government Areas (LGAs) and 192 wards in Edo State.

“The electoral officers who concluded the elections have since returned with results from the election handed over to the electoral committee set up by the National Working Committee (NWC) of the party.

“The process which was observed by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and various civil society groups was reported to be mostly peaceful across the state with only one incident at Jattu, the hometown of the Deputy Governor, Hon. Philip Shaibu, where eight of the officials heading to Etsako Central Local Government Area for the election were abducted.

“The party hereby calls on the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to order a swift investigation of the incident and promptly ensure the release of the affected officials, whose families are troubled by the fate of their loved ones.

“Edo State chapter of the PDP by this medium express profound gratitude to leaders of our great party, the National Working Committee, the Ward Electoral Committee and all organs of the party for their keen supervision of this process that has resulted in a successful ward delegate election.


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