The output of any group, organization or society is greatly connected to the input of the leader.
“Leadership is the key to 99 percent of all successful efforts.” Erskine Bowles

Leaders make us better or make it difficult for us to be better.
In this series of articles we have been looking at five components of effective leadership. If we can master these components our leadership, at whatever strata of life, will take a quantum leap.
These five components are: (1) Curiosity (2) Competence (3) Consistency (4) Communication (5) Confidence.
Today we will look at consistency, Consistency is the power to keep at it. It is the tenacity that keeps a leader engaging his competence to get the job done which his curiosity has exposed to him.
- a) Consistency is the difference between failure and success.
- b) Consistency establishes the leader as dependable and reliable – that he does not jump ship at the sight of any storm.
- c) Consistency is a habit that when cultivated will keep the leader going.
Consistency will get the leader going even when his motivation is low – it will make the leader stay on track even when he doesn’t feel like it.
- d) Consistency will provide momentum – the more the leader engages his competence the easier it becomes to get the job done.
The fourth component of effective leadership is communication – the ability to connect with people.
The final component is confidence – the belief in the leader’s competence. Confidence is the inner knowledge and conviction that the leader has the ability to get the job done.
Competence – confidence = unrealized potential.
Confidence – competence = disaster.
Competence + confidence = maximized potential.
The absence of confidence is reflected in doubt, procrastination, indecision, skepticism, insecurity.
Confidence is the conviction that the job can be done no matter what. A leader’s confidence must be high, however, the leader must be careful not to become over-confident.
Over-confidence is:
- Assuming a confidence which is greater than you actually have.
- Over estimating your ability level.
- A bias that you are up to a task which in actual fact you are not.
Over-confidence is dangerous.
Five Critical Components of Effective Leadership Part 6
We have bee looking at the issue of effective leadership.
The output of any group, organization or society is greatly connected to the input of the leader.
“Leadership is the key to 99 percent of all successful efforts.” Erskine Bowles
Leaders make us better or make it difficult for us to be better.
In this series of articles we have been looking at five components of effective leadership. If we can master these components our leadership, at whatever strata of life, will take a quantum leap.
These five components are: (1) Curiosity (2) Competence (3) Consistency (4) Communication (5) Confidence.
We have looked at the five components and the last time we ended with confidence. Confidence is the inner knowledge and conviction that the leader has the ability to get the job done.
We must, however, not go overboard and become overconfident.
Overconfidence is daagerous:
- It will give you a false sense of security and will depreciate other people’s talents, skills and ideas.
“For if any person thinks himself to be somebody [too important to condescend to shoulder another’s load] when he is nobody [of superiority except in his own estimation], he deceives and deludes and cheats himself.” Galatians 6:3 Amplified.
- It will make the leader not properly prepare for the task/event he is over confident about.
Signs of over-confidence
1) Over simplification of issues and expecting everybody else to see it that way.
2) Over estimating your knowledge, expertise and experience.
3) Over estimating your ability to perform.
- a) Be open to new ideas.
“Intelligent people are always open to new ideas. In fact, they look for them.” Prov 18:15. NLT
- b) Listen and carefully analyse constructive criticisms/contrary views.
“If you ignore criticism, you will end in poverty and disgrace; if you accept correction, you will be honored.” Prov 13:18 NLT.
“Whoever stubbornly refuses to accept criticism will suddenly be destroyed beyond recovery.” Prov 29:1 NLT.
- c) Know your limit.
- d) Maximize the input your team.
Whenever you fail or fall short be humble to critically analyse why and make amends.