THE recent approval by outgoing President Muhammadu Buhari for a change in the nomenclature of the ministry of aviation to ministry of aviation and aerospace has continued to elicit reactions from stakeholders within the sector.
While some faulted it based on the huge costs implication and for its non practicality, others said the sector needs better facilities and good business environment other than a mere name change.

Speaking on the name change, an aviation analyst, Mr Lanre Bamgbose, said the name change would end up being more of typical cost head in the budget than in substance.
“The issues of aerospace are already cast in law under science and technology, bearing in mind how it bears on other issues of existence including military and space research.
This name will probably be more of typical cost head in the budget than in substance. I am yet to see anywhere in the world where this is lumped together. Even the USA separated NASA from FAA.
“Anyway, under same minister, we moved from ministry of transportation to aviation and now to aviation and aerospace. The incoming minister perhaps will need to look again at the possible confusion he may have inherited and do the needful.”
An aviation lawyer, Mr Pekun Sowole, who described the name change as a joke, declared: “Answer is to check the names such ministries are called in other countries. United Kingdom till date maintains its Ministry of Aviation.
This is a case of old wine in new bottle. Did the minister think through the cost associated with the name change? What is the aim behind the change?”
Another key player who spoke in confidence though agreed that there could be a reason for the name change which may be unknown, but argued that lumping the ministry of aviation and the aerospace together will ordinarily have conflicting operating principles.
“Civil aviation is under licensure bound by regulations that prevent licensed operators from making discretionary decisions while exercising the privileges of their licences.”
On the other hand, aerospace is outer space, research and its personnel free-thinking, yet, not hamstrung by any rules or regulations. Maybe it’s worth experimenting.”