JUST as other acts of worship in Islam, the performance of the five daily compulsory prayers (salat) has its guidelines. This is more pertinent when we realise that salat is the main pillar of Islam and the mainstay of conviction that we use to express our faith in the unity and indivisibility of Allah. Salat also is the chief of good works and the best act of obedience to Almighty Allah
A hadith of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Daud, Ibn- Majah and An-Nasal, says that: “There are five prayers which God has prescribed for his servants. For those who perform them properly, without disrespectful omissions, there is a guarantee that God will admit them to Paradise. To those who do not observe them, however, God offers no such guarantee. He may punish them or He may admit them to Paradise, as He wills.”

The performance of the five daily prayers starts with the purification of the mind against associating any partner with God (shirk). There is also the purification of the body by performing ritual baths (ghusl) against impurities after intercourse (janabah), monthly menstruation (hailah), acceptance of Islam (dhukulul-Islam), 40 days after child delivery (nifas) and for Juma’at service (ghalal Jum’a).
Another essential step preparatory to prayers in Islam is water or sand ablution (wudu or tayammum). What is amazing about ablution is that it purifies the body for prayers. It must be performed before we are entitled to enter the mosque to perform prayers, even after we must have just washed the whole body with soap.
The essential part of water ablution is clear intentions and then wash the face from forehead to the chin and from ear to ear; the washing of right and left hands and arms to the elbows three times; the wiping of the head with water; and the washing of the right and left feet to the ankles.
But Prophet Muhammad (SAW) added that we should clean the mouth with tooth stick (Siwak) before performing ablution. A Hadith of the Prophet (SAW) says that the tooth stick would have been made compulsory if not because it may be difficult for the Muslim worshippers (Ibn Majah, An-Nasai).
Other parts of ablution prescribed by the Prophet (SAW) are washing of the hands three times, rinsing of the mouth thrice, sniffing water into the nose three times and the rubbing of the two ears with water.
The sand ablution or Tayammum is performed in the absence of water. It is performed with clean sand or earth, by wiping the face and the hands with it after intention. It is used to perform only one salat at a time.
But the water and sand ablution are vitiated by answering the call of nature, or by engaging in sound sleep or being unconscious for any reason. The Almighty Allah declares in Holy Qur’an, Maidah 5:6: “O ye who believe! When ye prepare for prayer wash your faces and your hands (and arms) to the elbows; rub your heads (with water); and (wash) your feet to the ankles. If ye are in a state of ceremonial impurity bathe your whole body. But if ye are ill or on a journey or one of you cometh from offices of nature or ye have been in contact with women and ye find no water then take for yourselves clean sand or earth and rub therewith your faces and hands. God doth not wish to place you in a difficulty but to make you clean and to complete His favor to you that ye may be grateful.”
The prayer that should be offered after performing water or sand ablution is: “Ashaduala illaha illah Allah, Wa ash adu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa Rasuluhu. Allahumma Ijalni Minalmutawabina, Waj ‘alni minalmutatahirina, Waj, ‘alni mina, badikas salihina” (I bear witness there no god worthy of worship, Except the Almighty Allah, He is one. He has no partner. And the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is His servant and Messenger. “O God! Make me among those who are penitent and make me among those who are purified) (Tirmizi).
The call to prayer (Adhan) is an essential part of salat. It is regarded as the best speech and act of righteousness by the Almighty Allah (Q. 41:33). A hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) says: “All that hear the muezzin’s call to pray be they Jinn, human or whatever, will testify for him on the Day of Resurrection and the hand of the All Merciful is on the Muezzin’s head until he completes his call to prayer” (AL-Bukhari).
The call to prayer was actually sent through a companion of the Holy Prophet (SAW) called Abdullah bin Zaid bin Abdul-Rabbihi. According to him, “I was sleeping when I saw a man carrying a bell (Naqoose) in his hands, and I said, “Servant of Allah, will you sell this to me? When he asked what I would do with it? I replied that we would use it to call the people to prayer. He said, shall I not guide you to something better than that? I replied, certainly, so he told me to say, Allahu Akbar llahu Akbar (thrice), ash adu alla llaha illah Allahu twice. Ashadu anna Muhammadan Rosulullah twice, Hayya ‘alas-salah twice, Hayya ‘alai falah twice Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. La ilaha illallah.
“After the call to prayer (Adhan), the stranger kept quiet for a while and then said, “when the congregation is ready you should say, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Ash adu alla ilaha illallah, Ash hadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah, hayya alas salah, hayya alalfalah, qadgamatissalh, qadqamatissalah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illallah.
“When I told Allah’s Messenger (SAW) in the morning what I had seen he said, it is a true vision, Insha-Allah, so get up along with Bilal, and when you have taught him what you have seen let him use it in making the call to prayer, for he has a stronger voice than you have.
“So, I got up along with Bilal and began to teach him the Adhan and Iqama, and he used it in making the call to prayer.
“Umar bin Al-Khattab heard this when he was in his house, and he came out trailing his cloak and said Messenger of Allah (SAW), by Him who has sent you with the truth, I have seen the same kind of thing as has been revealed to this, Allah’s Messenger (SAW), replied, “Praise be to Allah” (reported by Tirmizi Ibn Majah, Ahmad, Darmi, Ibn Khuzaimah).
So, from that day to the present time, the call to prayer (Adhan) is said to gather the people for congregational prayer, while the declaration of prayer (Iqama) is said to start the prayer.
The meaning of Adhan is God is the greatest (four times); I bear witness that there is no deity but Aallah (twice); I bear witness that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the Messenger of Allah (twice); come to prayer (twice), come to your Good (twice). God is the greatest (twice); There is no deity but God.
But for the call to prayer (Adhan) for the early morning prayer (Subh), the phrase ‘Assalatu Khayrumminan-nawm’ (prayer is better than sleep) is said twice before the last Allahu Akbar.
The prayer after the call to prayer (Adhan) is La Ilaha a Allahu Muhammadu Rosulullah (SAW) Allahumma Rabba, Hazi hidda watittamati, Wassalatil Qaimati ati Muhammad ni Waseelata Wa fadeelata Wab ath-hu magamam mahmuda, Nazee Wa adtahi Innaka ‘ala tughliful mi’ad. Amin (there is no god but the Almighty Allah. And the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is His Servant and Messenger. Oh God! Lord of his complete prayer of ours. By the blessing of it, give Prophet Muhammad (SAW) his eternal rights of intercession, distinction and highest class (in Paradise). And raise him to the promised rank you have promised him. Amin).
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