Unless the world, particularly, Nigeria heed the teachings of Christianity, especially the Brotherhood of the Cross and Stars, the society is headed towards the absence of peace and destruction.

The leader of the church, Olumba Olumba Obu handed down this warning in Umuahia while briefing newsmen on the 2023 celebration of his Divine Manifestation as the Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe Leader, the Founder and Sustainer of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Stars.
Represented by the Spokesman of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, Patriarch Christ Shepherd Amah Williams, Olumba Olumba Obu said, “The ideas of man have not guaranteed man the peace he seriously desires. All across the World, ethnic, religious and politically motivated wars have led to the loss of lives in an unimaginable number. Lives can now be taken with ease without the fear of God who created it”.
According to him, “As humanity continues to grapple with the challenges facing the human race such as the numerous deadly conflicts going on in all corners of the world, natural disasters and diseases some of which have defied cure, we wish to make it abundantly clear to leaders of the world and Government at all levels that the solution to the myriads of problems bedevilling mankind today can be found in the teachings of Leader Olumba Olumba Obu as encapsulated in His Everlasting Gospels”.
“What we are telling you today is the only pathway to enduring peace. It is a message meant for the leaders at all levels of governance. This message is also for the general public irrespective of religious inclination”, he said, disclosing that events happening now have clearly shown that the sure path to the prosperity and salvation of man lies in the core values and basic principles of Christianity.
“Today’s society is full of crimes and brutality and there is no peace in the world, even nature is not at peace with man. Natural disasters that take lives and destroy properties in unimaginable proportions have become a daily occurrence and man has refused to ask himself why are all these things happening.
“Immorality is at its peak as man continues to hold unto sinful and godless nature. Satanism is the order of the day; many people worship God Almighty in vain because they teach false doctrines and the tradition of men.
“Some have introduced idol worshipping into the house of God. As was foretold, perilous times are already here, and now some have departed from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of the devil; speaking lies in hypocrisy and their conscience seared with a hot iron”, he said.