I want to know if it is safe for me to donate my sperm. Some of my friends recently did this and made a lot of money. I want to know if I can also do the same.
Bala (by SMS)

As long as you are healthy, it is very safe to donate sperm. Most countries have laws to cover sperm donations which, for example, place limits on how many children a sperm donor may give rise to, or which limit or prohibit the use of donor semen after the donor has died, or payment to sperm donors.
Other laws may restrict use of donor sperm for in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment, which may itself be banned or restricted in some way, such as to married heterosexual couples, banning such treatment to single women or lesbian couples.
Donated sperm may be used for insemination (whether natural or artificial) or as part of IVF treatment. Notwithstanding such laws, informal and private sperm donations take place, which are largely unregulated. Twice-weekly sperm donation is the usual practice in many centers while the fees paid vary from place to place.