Unexpected things that make blood pressure rise

Unexpected things that make blood pressure rise

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A rise in blood pressure is a serious issue that can lead to grievous consequences and health hazards if not well managed. But it is also avoidable with some steps basic and conscious efforts. However, there are some things that individuals do that have tendency to increase their blood pressure.

Often, people are told to watch the amount of salt they eat especially when blood pressure is an issue because it makes the body hold on to water and puts extra stress on the heart and blood vessels.

However, salt and strong emotions like worry and anger aren’t the only things that can raise blood pressure though it should be noted that temporary spikes aren’t always a problem, figures that remain high over time can cause serious damage.

Things that can spike blood sugar include added sugar which may be a greater factor than salt; especially in processed forms like high-fructose corn syrup. People with more added sugar in their diet see a significant rise in both their upper and lower numbers in blood pressure reading. In fact, it is said that one 24-ounce soft drink causes an average 15-point bump in systolic pressure (the top number or the pressure during a heartbeat) and 9 in diastolic (the bottom number, or the pressure between beats).

Sleep apnea: People with sleep apnea have higher odds of getting high blood pressure and other heart problems because when breathing is repeatedly interrupted while sleeping, the nervous system releases chemicals that raise blood pressure because you are getting less oxygen and this could damage blood vessel walls and make it harder for your body to regulate your blood pressure down the road.

Loneliness is another factor and this has nothing to do with the number of friends you have but about feeling connected.

The kidneys need a balance of sodium and potassium to keep the right amount of fluid in the blood; it could lead to a higher blood pressure. So if you are not eating enough fruits, veggies, beans, low-fat dairy or fish, there may be an issue. Also, bananas, broccoli, water chestnuts, spinach and other leafy greens are better to get potassium.

In addition, sudden or acute pain may ramp up the nervous system and raise your blood pressure while herbal supplements like ginkgo, ginseng, guarana, ephedra, bitter orange or St. John’s wort can raise the blood pressure or change how medications work, including drugs to control high blood pressure.

When thyroid gland doesn’t make enough thyroid hormone, the heart rate slows and arteries get less stretchy; blood moves through hard vessels faster, pushing on the walls and raising the pressure. Though not as common, too much thyroid hormone can make your heart beat harder and faster, which will also bump up your numbers.

High blood pressure becomes more likely as you age, so you need to get accurate readings. An empty bladder could be one way to help do that. Also, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen can raise blood pressure Ingredients like pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine can narrow your blood vessels. That means the same amount of blood has to squeeze through a smaller space, like a crowd pushing through a hallway. These drugs can also make blood pressure medications less effective.

When your body’s cells don’t have enough water, your blood vessels tighten up. This happens because your brain sends a signal to your pituitary gland to release a chemical that shrinks them. And your kidneys make less pee, to hang on to the fluid you do have, which also triggers tiny blood vessels in your heart and brain to squeeze more.

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