IN three previous series on this topic, I explored the beliefs of Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, adherents of the African Traditional Religions with emphasis on the Yoruba and Egyptian cultures, the Baha’is, Confucians, Taoists, Shintos, Jains and Zoroastrians on life after death. I have found that most religions believe in the existence of life after death. They also believe that humans have souls, and that the souls of humans do not die with the body. Rather, the souls live on either in another form in this universe or in another world meant for the dead. Most religions believe that life after death is the place of reward based on how one lived life while on earth. However, is the answer to the question on the existence of life after death only domiciled in religion?
To answer this question, there is need to consider thoughts and hypothesis outside the limitations of religion. For this, I researched into the thoughts of atheists on the subject of life after death.

Beliefs and practices of atheists on life after death
Death is a mystery that had puzzled human kind since the dawn of time. However, while many turn to religion for the answers, atheists seek alternative explanations. Atheists are people who do not believe in the existence of a god or gods, a higher power or a supernatural realm. Instead, they focus on nature and science to answer the queries about the mysteries of life and death. It is important to state that all atheists are different. This is because atheism is not a sect where people gather and share opinions. Rather, it is usually the result of personal beliefs, ideologies and convictions. Hence views of atheists, especially on a topic as controversial as life after death vary.
The beliefs of atheists on life after death are conveyed hereunder:
- Death as part of life
Most atheists believe that death is a natural part of life. Death is not a phenomenon so special that it deserves special mention or fanfare. Atheists also do not believe in the idea of a soul. Rather, they believe in mental consciousness which is subject to the control of the brain. Also, atheists do not support religious or spiritual beliefs that the dead translate to a realm after death. Hence premium is placed on how one lives his or her life while on earth, not on what comes after death. Some atheists further believe that religion was birthed as a result of fear of death and what happens after death. This philosophy is the basis for most of the beliefs of atheists on life after death.
In addition to this, death is seen by some as a necessary part of evolution. Dying gives room for new generations with fresh ideas and adaptations to thrive. This ensures the survival of our species, biologically making it possible for earth to sustain the population per time.
- Eternal oblivion or eternal nothingness
Incidental to the belief that death is part of life is the belief that at the point of death, consciousness ends. The closest analogy to the concept of eternal oblivion is that it is like a deep, dreamless sleep. One of the major protagonists of this school of though is Edwin C. May, a physicist. Advancing thoughts on this school, he opined that neuroscience has revealed that consciousness is dependent on the brain,hence, consciousness cannot outlive the brain. Once the brain dies, proponents of this school of thought believe that consciousness, feelings and experiences of all forms end.
- Energy conservation and recycling
Some atheists, especially naturalists, believe that the human bodies are made of energies which cannot be destroyed. Hence this energy is released into the universe when one dies. This energy might become a part of a tree, animal or even a star. Hence when a man dies, his consciousness ends. However, the energy captured in his body is released into the universe. Death from this perspective is not an end but a transformation.
This school of thought closely resembles the thought on “Matter recycling”.Proponents of this school believe that our bodies are made of atoms which existed since the beginning of the universe. Hence, when humans die, these atoms are release and they return to the earth to be part of new things. This theory believes that the cycle of matter connects everything in the universe.
- The concept of immortality
Regardless of the lack of belief in an immortal soul, atheists believe in immortality. These are Quantum immortality, Legacy Living, Digital afterlife, Genetic Immortality and Symbolic Immortality. This will be considered hereunder in seriatim:
- i) Legacy Living: Some atheists believe that immortality is existing through the memories of those still alive on earth. This is through the impact the departed have on those who are living. This can be informed by actions, ideas, relationships and other form of influence that the departed had on the world while s/he was alive. Every time someone thinks or talks about the departed, such person exists in that moment. If this legacy is passed down as oral or written history, such a person has a long historical life. ii) Symbolic Immortality: Immortality can also be achieved through the symbols and cultures left behind after death. This can be through art, literature, scientific discoveries or social movements. These ideals often outlive its proponents. This is living on through impact and culture. iii) Digital Afterlife: Technology has developed to the point wherein the human mind can be cloned, hence creating a digital version of ourselves. Consequently, one can now exist as a program, or having the ability to interact with the digital world even after s/he has died. This is a second life in the digital realm.
- iv) Genetic immortality: Biologically, parents pass on genes to successive biological generations. In essence a part of our DNA will exist in our generations for an extended period of time. Hence to those who belong to this school of thought, biological immortality exists for anyone who has biological offspring.
- v) Quantum Immortality: Some atheists grounded in quantum mechanics believe that there are many universes and alternate worlds. For ease of understanding, they believe that a specific man may exist in several universes. Hence every time one dies, his or her consciousness jumps to a parallel universe where such a person is still alive. Proponents of this school of thought believe that there will always be a part of every human in alternate universes. This infers infinite life in different realities.
Consequent upon this belief system, most atheists approach death with less fear than their religious counterparts. This is because they have no longing of a life beyond that which they possess on earth. The comfort of the atheist is in knowing that they lived lives they are proud of. According to Professor Stephen Hawking, the brain is a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark. The lack of life after death should therefore not hold us back on earth, but propel us to seek the greatest value for our actions. Instead of a return to a Supreme Being, atheists see themselves as part of nature, and make peace with the resolve that they return to nature as part of a beautiful cycle.
Hence for many atheists, life after death is the return to nature. The only thing that outlives any man is the memories of their lives and impacts. This rests within their legacies and impacts while they are alive. To an atheist, this should be enough.
In addition to the above, atheists generally do not believe in reincarnation. They believe that each individual’s consciousness is a product of biological processes and that there is no evidence to support souls transmigrating from one body to another after death.
Atheists believe that the concepts of heaven and hell are mythical constructs. Hence, they do not expect experiences, rewards or punishments after their deaths as a result of their beliefs or actions. Hence most atheists seek to make the most of their time on earth by cultivating meaningful relationships, pursuing personal growth, and contributing to the well-being of others.
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