When next you walk into a store to buy cosmetics or skincare products, you need to check what each item is made of. Some of the chemicals used in making the beauty products you see around can be quite harmful to the skin if you continue using them.
So, look out for the following chemicals listed below because they can damage your skin overtime:
1. Phthalates

Phthalates are toxic chemicals used as lubricants in cosmetics or to expand a product. They could be in moisturizers, perfumes, nail polish, detergents, hair sprays, and shampoos. This chemical is linked to birth and hormone problems (in males and females), including breast cancer.
2. Parabens
Parabens are chemicals that serve as preservatives for skin care products. They can be found in soaps, makeup, lotions, shampoos, and so on. They affect the brain and female reproductive organs. When Parabens find their way into the skin, they increase the production of female sex hormones. Excess usage can lead to breast cancer.
3. Sulfates or Sulphate
Sulfates are derived when sulphuric acid is combined with another chemical. There are various types, but sodium lauryl sulphate is the most commonly used. This chemical causes irritation to the skin, sucks valuable moisture and can also lead to cancer. Sulfates can be found in different products, such as cleansers and toothpaste.
4. Phenoxyethanol
Phenoxyethanol is used as an anti-bacterial in cosmetics but is a very toxic chemical that can damage the skin when absorbed, especially when you’re a nursing mother. It can affect the central nervous system and the brain.
5. Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde is used as a preservative in skincare. As a colourless gas, primarily, it prevents the growth of bacteria. Formaldehyde is in lotions, makeup, nail polish, shampoos and deodorants. It can cause burning, watery eyes and skin irritation. In addition, it can result in suffocation and dizziness when inhaled.