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‘Losing my job was pivotal to discovering my true purpose’

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Monica Nnoka is a transformational and mindset coach who started her journey into self-discovery after she lost her top managerial banking job. She is the founder of the More Foundation, a non-profit organisation based in Lagos that supports orphans and people living on the street. In this interview by KANGMWA GOFWEN, she speaks about the idea behind the More concept.


Tell us about the ‘More’ concept. What is the idea behind it, and why did you name yourself ‘More’?

The ‘More’ concept is centered on the idea that there is so much untapped potential within every individual waiting to break forth. ‘More’ reminds us that we are limitless and there is always more beyond what a person can see in them.

‘M.O.r.e.’ was born during a crisis period in my life. At 35 years, I lost my job, I felt confused, and discovered that I was not living my life. I didn’t believe in myself and my talents enough to be the person I was meant or created to be. I had high-functioning anxiety and imposter syndrome and normalised them just like most people do. Even though my life looked great to most people, I lived in my comfort zone. I knew I had much more to offer the world, but I was stuck and I only tried to fit in instead of standing out. When I overcame this challenge, I became clear on my mission to help people tap into their inner authority and manifest their true potential.

M.O.r.e. is an acronym that captures the essence of what I do as a coach. It stands for Manifesting Originality to Release Excellence, which is precisely what my coaching is about.


Your work seems to be more focused on women and youths; why the interest in that demography?

My work is not focused on a particular gender. I develop special projects for women and youths because they are the future and have the potential to make a significant impact in their communities and the world at large. This group needs the most encouragement and support to unlock their full potential.

My interest in them is rooted in my experience and observations. As a woman who has faced many challenges and overcame them, I understand firsthand the unique struggles women face. Similarly, many young people struggle with self-doubt and sometimes a lack of direction. They have brilliant minds but are often not allowed to live their purpose or explore their true passions. So, they bury the genius within them to fit into the ideas offered to them, as I did.

So, I developed the ‘Women Are More’ and ‘Fearlessly MOre’ projects for women and youths, respectively


How long have you been a transformational coach, and how has the journey been?

I started my journey as a mindset and transformational coach four years ago. It has been truly fulfilling and rewarding. Working with amazing people from various backgrounds and countries is so gratifying.

Losing my job as a Business Manager at the bank initially felt like a setback, but it was the needed breakdown for the breakthrough in my life. It was the catalyst that ultimately propelled me to discover my purpose and birth my mission on earth to empower others. I decided not to work a regular job anymore and focus on my calling.

The journey has been a learning curve filled with many challenges and many victories as well. The mind-blowing breakthroughs my clients have recorded and seeing them transform their lives in ways they never thought possible have made my journey worthwhile. Some of their successes include starting a new business or expanding an existing one, overcoming anxiety and procrastination, better relationships, ditching self-doubt and uncertainty to a place of unshakable confidence, courage, and self-belief, and so much more.


Do you have any regrets about not doing a regular job, and what has kept you going in your new career?

Firstly, this is a calling for me and not a career. I have no regrets about leaving my previous job in the bank or turning down the new offers I got afterward. Losing that job was a pivotal moment that led me to discover my true purpose and mission, so it was a blessing in disguise.

I confronted my fears and stepped out of my comfort zone, a leap of faith into the unknown. I was not living in alignment at that time and realised I wanted to make a more significant impact in the world.

I am also profoundly grateful to live my vision of having the freedom to manage my time. I chose my calling and time freedom and I will do it repeatedly.

Taking this journey was not the easiest decision, but I have found that the rewards far outweigh any challenge. Also, the constant encouragement and belief in me from my family and community have been invaluable.

Lastly, my growing self-awareness has been my anchor in this journey. I am doing what I was created to do, my divine assignment for my life.


Walk us through your book called “The journey of MOre” Journal.

It is a guided journal and six months self-awareness planner combo. It is a practical tool that revs the journey to embracing your authentic self and maximizing your inner abilities to create more abundance in your life in easy steps.

This is the accountability partner you need for the quantum leap you desire.

The guided journal contains disruptive prompts and resources to help you navigate life challenges and overcome limiting beliefs and sabotaging behaviors to discover your inner light.

It guides you to raise your self-awareness, unleash your inner creativity and take action toward your goals.

It is a science-backed powerful solution for transforming your life one day at a time through journaling and other coaching tools.


What are some of the challenges you face as an entrepreneur?

My main challenge as an entrepreneur is visibility. Working on getting enough exposure and awareness for people to get the solutions I offer can be overwhelming.

More people also need to understand the importance of investing in themselves and their personal development. I have met people who still need to learn that they need my solutions. And there is the challenge of having a presence in too many places simultaneously. I had to grow through the challenge of balancing work and life. I work with systems and structures in my business to avoid burnout.

I have also discovered that prioritizing my clients’ needs while remaining true to my vision and values is key. Overall, I am grateful for the challenges. Challenges are growth opportunities. They have helped me develop resilience. The bigger the vision, the more challenges to grow through.


What policies do you think the government can put in place to support entrepreneurs in Nigeria?

To support entrepreneurs, Nigeria needs a conducive environment for business growth and innovation. Many entrepreneurs leave the country daily, searching for better conditions to run their businesses. The government can implement policies that provide access to funding, tax incentives, and regulatory frameworks that are friendly to startups. The government can also create training and mentorship programs to help entrepreneurs develop the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their businesses.


What should we look out for from the More coach?

There is so much to look out for. I have physical retreats planned in different countries; I am collaborating and partnering with like-minded individuals to make these even more explosive. So we are taking the message of global. I will be doing a seven days free challenge online with the theme ‘Be More Challenge’ to help people create the right conditions for manifestations in their life. There will be other online workshops, events, and more exciting things to come!



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