This year’s elections will teach Christians to be more involved in politics —Alamu

This year’s elections will teach Christians to be more involved in politics —Alamu

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Pastor David Alamu is the sent man of the Christ Apostolic Church, Vineyard Deliverance, Alaro Abule Egba, Lagos State and the president of the Christian Association of Ministers. In this interview with SEYI SOKOYA, he speaks on the importance of the involvement of Christians in politics, among other issues.


What is your assessment of the role of the church at the just-concluded elections?

The church indeed played a major role in the elections and it shows that they are becoming more involved in politics than before. The church needs to be more involved so that we won’t continue to take backstage. Enough of complaints that politics is a dirty game. We should rise and make things right. We have seen what played out at the just-concluded elections. We cannot stay aloof and query what is happening in the politics of the country.

Going forward, Christians should amend our orientation on political affairs. The light of God will shine more on the political affairs of the nation if we have more genuine Christians in the country. There are a lot of wrongs that are waiting to be corrected by Christians in our politics. We are the light of the world and our Godly lives will influence others to make our nation better. We don’t need to fight or criticise the system; we need to take more actions to make things right. The ideology that Christians should not join politics is a mistake and the outcome of the recently held elections will teach us a great lesson. It will teach us a lesson that we need to be more involved in politics. We will have a lot to gain, as well as a say if we are more involved in politics.


A reverend father won the governorship seat of Benue State. Is this an advantage for Christians at large?

I also salute the courage of the governor-elect. He is an example for Christians to be more involved in politics. It will change our orientation that even though politics is tagged as a dirty game, some people will have headway in it without getting involved in the bandwagon. We Christians can win any political office through our righteous lives and moral behaviours.


Your prophecy revealed that the next president is Senator Bola Tinubu, even right before his emergence at the primaries. Do you feel vindicated by the outcome of the presidential election?

I thank God for everything and how He has used me so far. I am not taking the glory. The revelation was divine and it is from God. I want people to know that there are still genuine prophets on earth and that God is still revealing His will too, but as a result of the proliferation of fake prophets around, people hardly want to reckon with prophets or believe in prophecy.

God had revealed to me that Tinubu will become a governor. He revealed to me that the governorship seat was not his limitation. Back then, I wrote a letter to him and submitted it to the governor’s office. The coming to pass of the prophecy is a testament that God is interested in his ambition. The will of God eventually prevailed right from when he made his presidential ambition public, to the primaries and the actual election.

It was true I was attacked by many over the prophecy, while some accused me that I was paid to have cooked such a prophecy. I would say that this is because there are fake prophets around. But irrespective of how I was nailed, I was determined, hence, I only focused on God and concentrated more on His assignment. The truth is that I have not met Tinubu one on one. If God had revealed other candidates to me, I would have gone ahead to reveal them. I am a true servant of God and I would not utter a word God has not sent me. I thank God that the prophecy eventually came to pass.

There were also prophecies from various clerics on candidates that would emerge.

We have only one God. The reason for their prophecies in the vineyard is that many prophecies are revealed with sentiments, bias, and out of flesh. It is no news that there are circumstances that seem to work against the will of God to come to pass on him, especially on his Muslim-Muslim ticket, which is believed to be a political game. But whatever will be a success must always face several challenges and that was what has played out.

Above all, I want to urge clerics to be closer to God and search themselves spiritually and physically. They should not allow anything to influence their messages from God and should not be used by anyone or anything to make any prophecy.


What is your advice to the president-elect before he takes the mantle of leadership?

There are many things he needs to address, but the most important thing I will want him to look into is the agricultural sector. It was this sector that the sage, Obafemi Awolowo, used to achieve a lot of things, including the Cocoa House and many other infrastructure. I pray God will help him to restore the agricultural system that our youths can also tap from. It was when I visited Israel and saw their farming system that I became more interested in farming. It is a well-organised system.

The electricity situation should also be addressed because it has crippled a lot of businesses in the country. I will also wish he focuses more on the housing scheme. A lot of Nigerians are suffering when it comes to shelter. We can have more Jakande estates that will be affordable to many Nigerians. The road network should be given more attention because it is affecting the economy of the country.


What will be your advice to Nigerians as the country prepares for a new leadership?

It is a welcome development that democracy is growing, and we should make more efforts on its stability. I urge Nigerians to have more faith in our democratic system and that of the new leadership that will take over soon. We should not relent in our prayers for the nation and our leaders. We should stop cursing Nigeria and our leaders. It is biblical that we should pray for our leaders. With this effort, Nigeria will be good and will experience a great turnaround. From our end at the Christian Association of Ministers, we are devoted to praying for our leaders and the nation. The leaders should also deem it fit to take everyone along, especially those that are interested in the peace and unity of the country.



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