Gunmen hack Inspector to death, cart away arms

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Unknown gunmen have attacked a police patrol team at Ashaka, Ndokwa East Local Government Area, NNL has learnt.

A source said hoodlums, riding a motorcycle, stabbed an inspector to death while injuring policemen and setting the patrol van on fire.


Nationnewslead assembled that the gunmen dispossessed the police officers of their rifles during the attack.

Although details of the attack are sketchy, sources identified the deceased simply as Inspector Musa who was stabbed with a dagger by his assailant.

Delta Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Bright Edafe, confirmed the killing.


He said police operatives were on the trail of the gang.

In a related development, a 42 year old man, identified as John, slumped and died during a birthday party at a hotel in Oghara, Ethiope West Local Government Area of Delta State.

A source said,” He (victim) went to a neighbour’s birthday party bash. As he was dancing, he suddenly slumped and hit his chest on a hard object. Revelers tried to help but he died before they could get help.”



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