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Angry Lawyers Storm Out Of NBA Conference Over Invitation Of Portable As Guest Artist (Video)

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Some lawyers on Thursday morning, walked out of a concert organised by the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) over the choice of popular singer, Habeeb Okikiola, also known as Portable as a special guest artiste.

The concert tagged Unbarred was held at the Velodrome, MKO Abiola Stadium in Abuja as part of the NBA Annual General Conference.

INFORMATION NIGERIA reports that many of the lawyers questioned the choice of the Zazu singer and opted to walk out of the show.

The protesting lawyers were seen walking or driving out of the stadium around 1 am.

Speaking about the occurrence, one of the lawyers in a message to newsmen said: “How dare they call Portable to come and play for lawyers at the conference? Can you imagine? Normally, Unbarred doesn’t end till 3am or 4am but we are leaving for our hotels. We are so upset.” “

“They spoilt my day with this Zazu. He couldn’t even wear a shirt” another lawyer said.

Another lawyer said: “I also left but it was largely due to the fact that I was tired. Many of the conferees were unhappy that Portable was invited.”

Other lawyers, however, stayed behind to watch the controversial singer perform.

Videos circulated on social media show a shirtless Portable climbing some of the equipment at the stadium.

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