Suspected Okada riders mob man to death in Plateau

Suspected Okada riders mob man to death in Plateau

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A young man in his early thirties, Mr. Fwinbe Thomas, was mobbed to death in Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State by some mob suspected to be commercial motorcycle riders on Wednesday.

An eyewitness told Tribune Online that the man who was driving a car was on his way home when he mistakenly pushed a tricycle rider into a gutter at the Tudun Wada Park area of Jos North Local Government Area but refused to stop while other commercial motorcycle riders within the vicinity gave him a hot chase and eventually caught up with him at Domkat Bali Way, Jos South Local Government Area.

The eyewitness said they descended heavily on him by hitting him with heavy stones, dragging him out of his vehicle, and beating him to death despite appeals from people within the vicinity.

However, the State Commissioner of Police, CP Okoro Julius Alawari, in a statement signed by the spokesman of the Command, DSP Alfred Alabo, confirmed the incident, adding that the man was found lying in a pool of his own blood along Tudun Wada Ring Road, Hwolshe in Jos.

It pointed out that on getting wind of the incident, the Police Patrol Team attached to Anglo-Jos Division swiftly rushed to the scene of the cruel incident, where they found the victim lying in a pool of his own blood beside a damaged Suzuki Mini Bus with Reg. No.: KWK 536 XA, with multiple injuries on his head.

The Command stated that the victim was suspected to have been cruelly beaten to death by some hoodlums, suspected to be commercial motorcyclists popularly known as “Okada Riders,” whose operation in Jos Metropolis/Bukuru metropolis is illegal.

It added that the body of the victim was taken to the Plateau Specialist Hospital, where he was confirmed dead by a medical doctor, adding that the corpse has been deposited at the hospital’s morgue for an autopsy.

“The Plateau State Police Command wishes to inform Plateau residents and the general public that efforts are in top gear to apprehend the killers of Mr. Fwinbe Thomas.

The Commissioner of Police, Plateau State Command, who appealed for calm, assured Plateau residents that the perpetrators of the dastardly act will not evade justice as there is no hiding place for evil doers in the state. 

He also warned executors of jungle justice to desist from such lawlessness, adding that the command under his watch will not spare any person found culpable of such an inhuman act, and he emphasized the need for citizens to allow law enforcement agencies to take charge of such cases instead of taking laws into their own hands.


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