‘How bandits killed our husbands, made us widows’

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The bandit attacks in several communities across Niger State, especially Shiroro Local Government Area which seems to be the worst hit, has left a lot of people bereaved of their loved ones. Women have become widows, men have become widowers while children have become orphans or left with a parent to take care of them. In this report, JUSTINA ASISHANA spoke to some widows in the Shiroro Local Government Area whose husbands died as a result of bandit attacks.

For three years, Kaure, a community in Niger State had succeeded in warding-off bandits’ attacks, however, on this fateful Tuesday, the bandits came with renewed vigour and determination to wipe out the whole community.

Surprised by the fierce attack, the residents of Kaure community took to their heels for safety; however, not all were lucky as a lot of men, boys and women were killed during the attack.

The women were the worst hit as over 20 of them lost their husbands on that fateful day in 2019, this development and the realization that they were no longer safe led them to leave their community for safety at the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camp in Gwada in Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger State.

“He was tall and handsome; he used to call me his ‘Mummy’, he tried as much as he could to ensure that I and my children were well taken care of. For the past three years, nobody has called me ‘La-mummy’ which was the pet name he always called me. I miss him so much, we were married for over 20 years, he was a good father and the best husband,” Laraba Musa, one of the widows in the IDP camp in Kuta stated.


She said that she never thought of the goodbye she gave to her husband before leaving for the farm that fateful day would be the final goodbye she said to her husband.

“I was not around when the attack happened, I went to the farm only to return and meet my husband’s body on the ground, covered with cloth.  I feel sad whenever I remember that fateful day because when I was going to the farm that morning, I said goodbye to him, we joked and laughed and he told me what he wanted for dinner but I did not know that it was the final farewell I was giving to him.”

Laraba said that with the shock of seeing her husband’s body and the fear that the bandits were going to return, the majority of them slept in the bush that night and the next morning, after the burial of her husband, she took some of her things and that of her children and left the village in order not to be the victim of another attack.

“My husband did not get the proper burial, everything was done in a hurry because of the fear that the bandits would attack anytime soon. Even that day, they kept the body of my husband and other people who died in a place and we all slept in the bush so that if the bandits come at night, they won’t be able to get any of us. It was the next morning that my husband was buried alongside others. It was sad that he had to die and be buried like that.”

Now a resident in the IDP camp in Gwada, Laraba is left to cope with her last son, as her other children have left the camp to other places to seek for work. According to her, her son, Audu is the one who goes out to look for menial work that would enable them to get something to eat and take care of themselves.

•Inside the IDP camp

“I depend on my son who goes out to do menial jobs to ensure that he brings in money to help us feed. I depend on him very well. If he does not go, we would have nothing to eat,” she said.

For Godiya Teminu, she remembers vividly how her husband was killed saying that he was shot when they were running to safety, ” vividly, I remember that the people who killed my husband were Fulanis. I am also from the Kaure community.

“On that fateful day, we were all at home relaxing when the bandits struck. We were all scattered, running helter-skelter for safety. My husband was shot when he was running everybody was running for safety but I saw when he was shot but I could not wait because I had to run for safety too. A lot of people were killed on that day including my husband and since then, life has not been the same for me and my children,” she recounted.

Godiya said that unlike before the death of her husband when she would not bother to look for money or what she and her family would eat, now she has three children to cater for and she needs to do some menial work to ensure that they can eat at least once daily.

“My husband, before he was killed, was the one who was always working to bring food to the house. What I was only doing was to keep the house and cook, we also had a farm where I worked sometimes. So going out to look for money was very strange to me but I realized that if I did not do it, nobody would do it for us,” she said sadly.

Godiya lamented that the dream of her husband that their children would get to the highest level of education they desire is being thwarted as her children have not attended school in the past two years as there is no money to enrol them into the public primary school where they have been living for the past two years.

“To survive, we usually go outside the camp to search for jobs to survive. We sometimes help people to carry goods in the market. My children have not been going to school, none of them, there is no money to enrol them, for now. We are thinking of money to eat and not money to enrol the children in school. This is different from how we lived when my husband was alive. We had no worries at all but now, I worry about everything. These bandits were not fair to me when they killed my husband. They took away the one person that meant a lot to me,” she bemoaned.

In the Kuta IDP camp, Aisha Alhaji Sale from the Madalla community said that despite the magical powers her husband possessed, the bandits ensured that they saw to his end when he was attacked.

“It was a Wednesday morning that the bandits killed my husband. He went to the farm to do some weeding and when he was returning, he met the bandits on the road and ran to escape from them but they pursued him, they were shooting him but the gun did not penetrate his body.

“When they caught up with him, they tied him and used stones to stone him, they damaged his face and his organs but even with that, he didn’t die, then they got a battery, mixed it with acid water and forced him to swallow it. That was how he died.”

She said that life has not been easy for her since her husband died as he was the sole breadwinner of the family adding that trying to get food for her five children and herself have not been an easy task.

“With the five children, food is difficult. Every day after market days, we go to the market to gather the grains that fall on the ground and sieve to get the ones we would be able to eat. The elderly children usually go to the market to carry loads for people who come to buy things in the market. This is not what they were used to before, so it has not been easy for me and my children.”

All we need is security to go back Home

The widows who spoke to The Nation said that staying in the IDP camps is suffocating to them and they would want nothing else than to return to their communities.


The women claimed that they are being caged and not being free in the camp adding that the normal way of life they know have been disrupted and they wish to return to the way they lived before they came to the camps.

Laraba Yohanna, who seems to be the youngest widow in the Gwada IDP camp, appealed for assistance from the government, individuals and organizations saying, “we need help in several ways. We are not happy here, in one room you will see about 20 people. We are not happy. Our children do not go to school. We want God and the government to help us.

“We will be happier to go to our communities than being here because here, we are being caged, it is like we are under another captivity but if security is guaranteed and they can return to their community, we would appreciate it more.”

Yohanna who expressed her desire to remarry said that that can only happen if she returns to her community as she would not be able to meet eligible men if she remains in the IDP camp.

Lami Audu, another widow said that the government in their little way has been assisting them in bringing foodstuff quarterly but added that the foodstuff does not last them for two weeks, so they mostly have to depend on the petty work they do to help them get by. According to her, since they are predominantly farmers, if the government can resettle them and give them land to farm, it would be better than staying in the IDP camp doing nothing but begging for money and food every time.

“We would be glad if the government can provide some skills acquisition programmes for us so that we will have something to fall back on. Government should assist often in the issue of foodstuffs and financially also, to enable us to buy some essentials.

We are trying our best to help the widows – Leader of IDP Camp

The Leader of the Gwada IDP camp, Mai-angwan Lado said that they do their best to ensure that the women do not feel the absence of their husbands very much.

He said that one of his duties is to keep them from being sexually molested or harassed in any way adding that when foodstuff is donated to the camp, he ensures that the widows are usually the first to be given the materials or foodstuff.

Lado listed the numerous needs of the people in the camp saying that they need a lot of financial assistance from the government and the public.

“We need assistance from the public, financial assistance. This is because even when people bring foodstuff, we need money for soap and other essentials and even ingredients to use in cooking the food. So financial assistance is very much needed from the public and government.

 Niger IDP camp
•Some of the affected women

“Regarding the educational aspect, most of these women, when they look at other children in uniform, entering classes,  they begin to shed tears because their children do not have that opportunity to go to school again, they feel pain because their children are not in school.

“If only the government can settle these crises and we can go back to our community, we would be glad. It is a necessity that prompted us to stay here and not the need. We would want to return to our community if the government can guarantee their safety.

“Government has tried to help us and we are also helping ourselves. We want the government to help these widows especially in skills acquisition because it will be a great relief to us,” he stated.

At the Kuta IDP camp, the two women leaders told The Nation that they try their best to ensure that the widows are not marginalized when donations come, adding that they make sure that they get their share equally like every other person in the camp.

One of the Women Leaders, Hauwa Zakari said that the needs of the women are numerous as they always bombard them with questions as to when they would leave the camp and when the next government intervention would come.

“The needs of the women are numerous. If they will have a peaceful place to settle down or provide security for them to return to their lands, they would prefer it more. Here, they are caged but they are not free. They are expecting the government’s assistance even though the government is doing well.”

How bandits and terrorists have taken over Shiroro LGA

Over 500 communities in the eight wards that make up Shiroro Local Government Area have been overtaken by Boko Haram and bandits, the Chairman of Shiroro Local Government Area, Comrade Suleiman Dauda Chukumba has disclosed.

According to him, Boko Haram elements have overtaken the local government area and are trying to equip the people to fight against the government pointing that there is no day without any attack in the local government area.

“As the Chairman of Shiroro LG Area of Niger State, I can tell you that Shiroro is not only dealing with the issue of banditry, Shiroro has a lot of Boko Haram, I have proof of this as the Chairman.

“They have told the people that they do not want primary or secondary school in the communities and that they only want to see Islamic schools. They have been trying to incorporate and recruit the residents of the communities to become their members telling them that they will give them arms and assist them in fighting the government.

“The entire wards are affected by banditry and Boko Haram insurgents. 500 communities in the eight wards are affected. The wards include Manta, Gurmana, Bassa-Kokki, Allawa, Kurebe, Kushaka, Kwati, Chukumba and Galadima Kogo.”

The Council Chairman appealed to the federal government to bring in more security personnel to help them disband and dislodge the Boko Haram who had already made Shiroro local government area their home.



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