She wants divorce because I married another woman who is a landlady in our neighbourhood —Husband

She wants divorce because I married another woman who is a landlady in our neighbourhood —Husband

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Grade A Customary Court, Mapo, Ibadan, Oyo State, has adjourned judgment on the divorce suit brought before it by a woman, Omobosola against her husband, Siji, whom she accused of irresponsibility, lack of love, neglect and battery.

Omobosola stated that Siji failed to live up to his responsibility in the home and showed no affection towards her and their children.

The plaintiff said that she endured hardship and lived with the  defendant in abject poverty.

According to her, she delivered all of their four children at home because they could not afford hospital bills.

She added that she resorted to farming as a means of livelihood in order to make ends meet.

The plaintiff stated that all she got from the defendant was severe beatings.

Omobosola further said that she was ill for 12 years and almost died after Siji took her to a strange man who afflicted her with a strange illness.

She told the court that she moved out of his house when she could no longer tolerate his maltreatment of her.

Omobosola added that Siji moved in with her in her new abode and refused to relent on beating her.

According to the plaintiff, the defendant would sometimes beat her blue black and lock her up in the room.

Omobosola said she had had enough of Siji’s physical assault and therefore prayed the court to rule that they both go their different ways.

She also pleaded for the custody of their children, while her husband should be made responsible for their upkeep.

Siji denied ever beating his wife but agreed that their union be dissolved.

The defendant stated that his wife came to court because he got married to another woman who is a landlady in their area.

Omobosola, in her evidence, said, “I met my husband through his friend.

“It was this friend who persuaded me to marry my husband.

“I never enjoyed my marriage to my husband for a day.

“We were swallowing in poverty, and surviving was hard.

“My husband completely failed in his role as breadwinner and was nonchalant towards my welfare and that of our children.

“I gave birth to all our four children at home because we could not afford the hospital bills.

“Siji found it a herculean task feeding the family, which always made our children look malnourished.

He never showed me any affection, and neither did he show concern towards my plight.

“I decided to go into farming in order to make ends meet.

“I planted and sold cassava and also kept some back for home consumption.

“My husband, rather than show gratitude for all my efforts, took to beating me.

“He was never patient with me, but was always ready to hit me during argument.

“We always had misunderstanding because he was not loving and caring.

“My husband once took me to a strange man who carried out some consultations and later afflicted me.

“I took ill after this visit and was incapacitated for 12 years.

“He neglected me, and it was my family members who came to my aid.

“I moved out of his house because he refused to stop maltreating me.

“He moved in with me in my new place of abode but never stopped beating me.

“My husband would lock me inside the house and refuse that I went about the business of the day.

“I later insisted he left my place.

“My lord, I pray this court to dissolve our union and grant me custody of our children.

“I further pray the court to make him responsible for our children’s welfare, giving priority to their feeding, education, and health care.”

Siji responded, “My lord, I agree to divorce.

“My family members have never been in support of my marriage to my wife.

“Omobosola was married and living with her first husband whom she had two children for when we met.

“She later deserted her husband and moved in with me.

“I did not pay her pride price because my parents refused to go with me to her family to ask for her hand in marriage.

“My wife became a thorn in the flesh after she moved in with me.

“She started misbehaving and made life difficult for me.

“The more I complained about her misconduct, the worse she became.

“I overlooked her shortcomings and gave her adequate attention when she was sick, but she went about lying that I neglected her.

“I decided that we go into farming because it was becoming lucrative.

“I took a new wife to appease my parents when things got better in the family.

“My new wife is a landlady living in our neighbourhood.

“Omobosola turned the whole house upside down when she learnt about this and refused that I had peace of mind.

“She fought me to a standstill and later moved out of my house.

“My lord, she lied that I beat her. I have never raised my hand against her.”

The court president, Mrs S.M Akintayo after she had heard both parties adjourned the case for judgment.

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