Tribune Online

NUMCAS recommends community service for

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The National Union of Mass Communication Students (NUMACS) has recommended that the accomplices of Opemiposi Bolaji, an expelled student of Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science, and Technology, Ikere-Ekiti (BOUESTI), be subjected to public service.

The association also recommend that the expelled student be made to foot the medical bills of the victim.

It could be recalled that a viral video showed Bolaji, an 18-year-old 100L Mass Communication student, beating her colleague Gloria Ajayi.

BOUESTI Public Relations Officer, Temitope Akinbisoye, said in a statement that authorities of have since expelled Bolaji and her accomplice Osaro who handed her the cane with which she beat Ajayi.

NUMCAS, in a statement sent to TribuneOnline, commended BOUESTI for their swift action by expelling those found culpable

The statement, signed by the National President, Adedotun Amoo, the Secretary-General, Alimot Akorede, and the Director of Information and Public Relations, Akanni Adetona, however, requested that Eniola Adejuwon and Precious Oluwapelumi Olanrewaju, who filmed and posted the video, also be dealt with.

“We express deep concern and condemnation for the acts of violence perpetrated by some members of our community. While we appreciate the swift action taken by the university authorities in addressing the situation and ensuring accountability, we emphasise the need for continuous education and advocacy on non-violent conflict resolution and respectful behaviour among students.

“We stand in solidarity with Miss Gloria AJAYI, who exhibited commendable restraint in the face of aggression, and commend the decision of the university to exonerate her.

“We recommend that Miss Mistura Eniola Adejuwon and Miss Precious Oluwapelumi Olanrewaju, who recorded the video and posted it to social media, be punished through community service to serve as lessons to others.

“Miss Gloria Ajayi should be given proper medical treatment, whose expenses should be covered by Miss Opemiposi Precious Bolaji.

“On our own path as the apex body, proper care and attention will be given to the victim, ensuring justice. Together, we can promote a safe and inclusive environment where every student can thrive academically and personally.” The statement partly read.

NUMCAS further urged ‘students to reflect on this unfortunate event and to commit to promoting a culture of respect, empathy, and mutual support within our community.’

Meanwhile, the Ekiti State Police Public Relations Officer, Sunday Abutu, implored members of the public to be calm and avoid taking laws into their own hands as necessary action is underway.



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