•as stakeholders advocate creation of awareness at preventing environmental degradation.
A renowned poet, Professor Niyi Osundare has called for collaborative efforts to revamp the dwindling standard of education in the country.
Osundare made the call as one of the discussants at the Thursday Film series titled ‘Special Screening Discussion on Environmental Degradation’ organised by the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan on Thursday.
He disclosed that the standard of the education is nose diving on daily basis despite the growing numbers of public and private institutions.
Osundare noted that the quality of the graduates produced could not be compared with the ones being chinned out by the various institutions now.
He queried, “What is the impact of the growing numbers of the first class graduates being produced annually on the socio-economic growth of the country.
“The attitude of some lecturers to work nowadays is discouraging. Most of them cannot ply their trade outside the country.
“In overseas countries, students can sue you for coming late to classes but that is not applicable in the country.
“Most of the problems facing the country begin in our University. What makes the difference between the university graduates and the politicians that we are blaming for the economic woes of the vountry.
“The university supposed to be proponent of ideas that will transform various sectors of the economy in the country but it is sad to note that we run away from making such ideas
“The growing numbers of public and private universities in the country have translated to nothing. The more the universities, the higher the number of illiterates
“As stakeholders, we have a country to build. We have a great country in hand. Let us present it from dying.”
In their various submissions, Adeola Aderemi and Molara Wood stressed need for sensitization programme at preventing environmental degradation in the country.