Ogun, three others record highest cholera cases in Nigeria

ALERT! Watch out for these 6 symptoms of Cholera

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Cholera is a severe bacterial infection caused by consuming contaminated water or food. 

Understanding the symptoms of cholera can help you seek timely medical help and prevent the spread of this potentially deadly disease. 

In this article, I discussed some key symptoms of cholera just for you:

1. Severe Diarrhea

Cholera often begins with sudden, severe diarrhoea. The stool may appear watery and contain flecks of mucus, resembling rice water. This type of diarrhoea can lead to rapid dehydration, a major concern.

2. Vomiting

Frequent vomiting is another common symptom. This can further exacerbate dehydration and lead to weakness and fatigue.

3. Dehydration

Signs of dehydration include dry mouth, extreme thirst, little or no urination, sunken eyes, and dry skin. Severe dehydration can cause shock and, if untreated, can be fatal.

4. Leg Cramps

Due to the rapid loss of fluids and electrolytes, many people with cholera experience painful muscle cramps.

5. Rapid Heartbeat

The heart may beat faster as dehydration worsens to compensate for the lower blood volume.

6. Low Blood Pressure

Severe fluid loss can lead to a significant drop in blood pressure, causing dizziness and fainting.

Recognising these symptoms and taking preventive measures can protect yourself and others from this dangerous disease.

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