The current working formula Diabetes & Syndrome X is an advanced beta-glucan formula that contains cordyceps sinensis, Grifola frondosa (maitaike), cinnamon extract, a group of bioacative compounds called CSMP (methyl-hydroxy-chalone-polymer), coprimus compatis, chromium and biotin. Diabetes & Syndrome X is a unique formula with natural alpha glucosidase inhibitors aimed at managing metabolic syndrome and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.
To Order Now Call 07064342021 Only Available On Pay Before Delivery SERIOUS BUYERS ONLY

The wonderful benefits of this medication is not to be compared to any diabetes medication currently in the market.
It reduces sugar levels in the blood.
It eliminates insulin resistance.
It promotes the best use of all the insulin present to maintain a normal blood sugar level.
It normalizes insulin production.
It lowers blood pressure.
It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases linked to diabetes.
It prevents complications of diabetes.
It helps limit the release of stored sugar from fat.
It inhibits the enzymes that trigger the release of glucose between meals and during sleep
To Order Now Call 07064342021 Only Available On Pay Before Delivery SERIOUS BUYERS ONLY