World Sickle Cell Day: Delta govt provides genotype screening equipment

Avoiding known triggers vital to prevent sickle cell disease crises, complications

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Director for Bethesda Sickle Cell Foundation, Dr Nathaniel Akintunde, had said that avoiding known triggers like dehydration, over exertion, and extreme temperatures was important to preventing painful bone pains in sickle cell disease.

Dr Akintunde, a genetic counsellor, stated in a 2024 World Sickle Cell Day awareness programme that focusing on avoiding sickle cell disease crises will also prevent complications of sickle cell disease such as stroke, blindness, chest pain, and damage to other internal organs alike the spleen.

He said that drinking three to four litres of water a day can improve blood flow and make it easier for red blood cells to pass through, especially the small blood vessels, without being caught, which would cause pain.

“You have to know what you have to do on a daily basis, why you are experiencing symptoms, and what you need to do well in order to avoid crises and other sickle cell complications.

The red blood cells in sickle cell patients have a diminished ability to carry oxygen, which is an issue. Red blood cells have a short lifespan of up to 30 days before they perish. Because of this, they are anaemic and occasionally require blood transfusions.

“Red cells, particularly those in tiny blood vessels, become immobile when sickled and clustered. Pain begins when they become stuck. Therefore, the stickiness and subsequent clogging of blood vessels worsen when you don’t drink enough water.

“We say don’t stress yourself too much; know your limits. It is because those red blood cells can’t carry enough oxygen to deliver to your tissues like they should.

The majority of the time, we simply pay attention to the bone pain, also known as the painful crises. This bone pain can frequently be excruciating and traumatic. However, a lot more is going on because sickle cell disease can lead to issues from head to toe.

“Sickled red blood cells may also become lodged, preventing blood from reaching the brain and resulting in stroke. Children, including young adults, with sickle cell disease have the tendency of developing stroke, so you can check from time to time with what we call transcranial Doppler ultrasound.

“A transcranial Doppler ultrasound scan is necessary because strokes can occur suddenly and show no warning signs.” When the blood supply to the eye is blocked, sickled red blood cells can also result in blindness. For this reason, people with haemoglobin SC in particular need to visit an eye specialist at least once a year to have their retinas examined.”

“The blood vessels that supply the lungs can also get obstructed, causing chest pain and difficulty breathing. It can affect all the organs of the body, including kidneys, spleen, and the liver. That is why taking lots of water and other medications for people with sickle cell disease every day to prevent all these complications is important.”

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