A review of Johnson Olusegun Tella’s book, The End-Time Damage.
ALMOST all religions believe that the end will come for man some day, and the days in which we are living have been described as the 11th hour, meaning the end might come sooner than later. It is as a result of this that religious leaders have been teaching their followers on the need to shun sin and begin to do those things that will make them attain eternal life.
One of the preachers who have taken it upon themselves to show their followers the pathway to eternal life is Pastor Johnson Olusegun Tella. Through his sermons and publications, Pastor Tella’s passion has been in the area of teaching Christians on how to live godly lives so that they can reign with Christ in the end of days.
Pastor Tella’s book, ‘The End-Time Damage,’ highlights the rots in the present day church, which is now preoccupied with all manners of social activities and festivities that appeal to, and attract the people of the world, “whereas this is not the reason for the church’s existence, neither does it fulfil the purpose of her institution.
“Courtesy of the cruel tricks and devices of the devil in the church, many believers have perverted the truth of God and godliness. They have removed the righteousness of God and consecration from their faith and worship.”
The book, therefore, will help to differentiate true worship of God from false worship that is prevalent today in the church and in the world.
It will also prepare and arm Christians against the ‘hammer’ of discouragement and frustration Satan is using against workers in the vineyard of Jesus, while Christians will also be taught how to constantly put on the whole armour of God.