Enjoy and share these Christmas jokes with your friends.

What do you call Santa’s helpers?
Answer: Subordinate Clauses.
What did Adam say on the day before Christmas?
Answer: It’s Christmas, Eve!
What did the big angel say to the little angel on Christmas Eve?
Answer: Halo there!
If Santa Claus is crossed with a detective then you would get what?
Answer: Santa Clues!
How do you know that Santa is a man?
Answer: No woman wears the same attire every year.
What monkeys sing on Christmas Eve in concert?
Answer: Jungle Bells, Jungle bells!
What a big candle says to a small candle on a Christmas Eve?
Answer: I am going out for dinner tonight.
If someone claps on the Christmas Eve then he should be called.
Answer: Santapplause!
When Santa doesn’t move what should he be called?
Answer: Santa Pause.
Do you know any bird that can write?
Answer: Pen-guine.
Source: www.theholidayspot.com