NDE flags off Artisans in Collaborative Construction Employment Scheme in Imo

Commissioner gives reasons for halting examinations in Imo

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Commissioner for Education in Imo State, Prof Johncliff Nwadike, has given reasons for halting the examinations for the recruitment of 10,000 Primary School teachers in the state.

Nwadike disclosed this on Tuesday to Nigerian Tribune in Owerri during a chat in his office Ministry of Education, State Secretariat, Owerri

He said that the major reasons behind the halting of the examination were to endure transparency and due process.

He assured that the whole process to ensure smooth conduct of the examination is on and on course, assuring that when all modalities are concluded, a convenient date would be fixed for the examinations.

The Commissioner regretted that the meetings and processes already laid down to ensure a hitch-free exercise were not concluded before the Imo State Universal Basic Education Board (IMSUBEB) went on air to announce the examination.

 He said: “It was IMSUBEB that appeared to be independent of the State and the Ministry that made the announcement for the examination without any approval from any authority, both the Ministry of Education and the Governor Sen Hope Uzodinma”

Prof. Nwadike pointed out that it was discovered that even some of the computer centres were not in existence while some people were posted outside their local government areas.

Commissioner said that there was no approval from any authority, both the Ministry and the Governor Himself, adding that nobody can say how they arrived at the N3,500 and N4,000 charges imposed on the applicants.

He appealed to the applicants to be patient and bear with the situation while assuring them that an appropriate date would be fixed for the examination.

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