Is it true that the use of deodorants causes Breast Cancer?

Elizabeth (by E Mail)
Medical experts have confirmed that “only a few studies” have investigated theories that the ingredients in body odor-fighting cosmetics may increase the risk of breast cancer. Some have postulated that the aluminum in these products may stimulate production of the hormone estrogen, which may lead to increased breast cancer risk. The theory is that aluminum may be absorbed through the skin, especially in women who shave their underarms, inadvertently causing small nicks or cuts. It’s through these small nicks to the skin that chemicals from the antiperspirant may gain access to the lymph nodes, which could cause cells to mutate and develop into cancer. Men would be at lower risk because most men don’t shave their underarms. However, multiple studies have failed to cement the connection between these products and breast cancer. A 2002 study that compared 813 women with breast cancer and 793 without revealed no link between breast cancer risk and antiperspirant use. “The use of antiperspirants had no association with the risk of breast cancer, while family history and oral contraceptives use were found to be associated,” a separate 2006 study concluded.