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Do not tamper with the will of the people–Pastor Enenche warns  INEC

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By Adam Mosadioluwa

The founder and General Overseer of Dunamis International Gospel Centre, Pastor Paul Enenche, has decried the desperation of some Nigerian political office seekers and their political thugs to animals over their alleged involvement in destroying the peaceful conduct of the 2023 presidential election.

The man of God made the comparison while reacting to the just concluded election during his sermon at the Dunamis International Gospel Centre on Sunday.

According to him, the behaviour that was exhibited by some of the political leaders and their thugs during the election is similar to those that are common in the animal kingdom.

While lamenting over some irregularities during the election, the man of God said despite the patriotism,  enthusiasm and determination of the people to vote for a credible candidate, it was unfortunate that some enemies of the nation still managed to perpetuate electoral evils.

He said, “Unfortunately, the human demons in our custody and their lunatic agents in various parts of the country didn’t allow for a peaceful and just election in those places. Videos recordings of their misdeeds were flying from Lagos, Rivers, Kogi, Anambra, Abuja, e.t.c, with thugs at the helm of affairs in certain units.

” Some were saying if you are not voting our party, leave here at a polling unit in Lagos and a policeman was standing there.”

He continued, “The question is, who are the kinds of leaders or aspirants who would orchestrate those kinds of criminalities? They are worthless, valueless and mobile disasters that have neither credibility nor quality to command any form of followership or win elections, so they have to resort to criminality, thuggery and all forms of manipulative devices to attempt to win.

” When you look at them, they look like animals. Both those thugs and those who sent them. What monkeys will not do, what bamboo will not do are what these human demons do in the name of so-called desperately aspiring leaders. Animals trying to lead human beings? Impossible.”

While warning the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to be and fear the result of the election, the pastor warned that any attempt to manipulate the result and thereby frustrate the people’s will would result in unimaginable consequences.

“INEC is strongly advised to do the right thing and to do it on time. Issues of Inability to upload results on the server, failure of results upload from BVAS machines, and delay in the arrival of results, especially from the Northern part of the country, are raising many suspicions.

” Kindly ensure that it is not a game as usual. Every attempt at scuttling the will of the people or frustrating the zeal of the youth will only produce unimaginable consequences. People have voted and they are watching their votes. People already have the results of their polling units.”

He concluded that how well the INEC chairman handled this election would determine how his name would go down in the history book.

“I’m talking to the INEC chairman now. Do the right thing and go down in history in honour and dignity or do the wrong thing and go down in shame, ignominy and infamy forever.”


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