Kindly let me know if I can still be eating eggs and if so, how many eggs can I take in a day. I am a 60-year old woman
Afia (by SMS)
There are many vegetarians who eat eggs for nutrition. And you can start giving eggs to children from nine months. Yolk and white kernels can be given to children without hesitation. Experts claim that we need up to 300 milligrams of saturated fat per day. One egg contains 180 mg of fat.
An egg provides up to 62 percent of that fat content. Bad fats cause problems for our body. But eggs are also full of good fats. So no problems will arise from eating eggs. The amount of eggs to eat per day varies according to each person’s body weight. So people who do a lot of physical work and exercise hard can eat six egg whites and two egg yolks a day.
This will strengthen the muscles. People who do not do much physical work can eat one meal a day. Fats are also available from other foods, so it should be consumed according to one’s needs. People with diabetes should be very careful about eating eggs.
People with diabetes are prone to heart disease. It is best to take boiled eggs. It can be taken in any form like steamed, omelette, burji, dosa. Eggs are low in calories so you can take them without fear. Children can be given one egg daily. Adults can eat one egg with the yolk 3 days a week if cholesterol is present.
People with low cholesterol can take one daily. Two or three egg whites can be taken as per protein requirements.
READ ALSO: 10 reasons you should eat two eggs daily