THE Prophet (SAW) point out on many occasions that a Muslim starts playing parental roles ever before a child is brought to life. The interpretation is that the two individuals proposing to be husband and wife must ensure that they are true Muslims. This has been captured in the tafsir (spiritual interpretations and teaching in the Qur’an) of Surah Al-Araf (Q 7:58).
The teaching is that a Muslim (male or female) must ensure he/she procreates on the vegetation of a good land. This is the first order, the divine order from Allah (SWT). It takes two to tango. The seed must be of good nature and the vegetation must equally be fertile. By implication, Islam posits that the husband-to-be must have been self-certified as pious and God-fearing after which he needs to go searching for a partner who must also be of good nature in order for the two to procreate the best of offspring.

Prayers could be of help. Muslims should beseech the Creator of the universe, Allah (SWT) with fervent prayers as recorded in Surah Al-Baqarah (Q2:124) with the case of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) who asked Allah (SWT) to make his offspring leaders, prophets and not to make his offspring polytheists. He made all the prayers when he had not even fathered a single child. This should be a way of life as Muslims. Prayers are important.
After birth, the child of a Muslim must be made to diligently tend towards Al-Marouf (Islamic monotheism) as the most important philosophy in the religion. The child must be made conscious of this core pillar of Al-Eeman. The child must be rooted in Al-Aqeedah of the deenship. The similitude in this case with which parents in the Ummah must apply as models could be cited in Surah Al-Baqarah (Q2:132-133) and Surah Al-Luqman (Q31:13, 16-19). It is sad to note that the majority of Muslims in the modern world hardly make efforts towards the models which are enunciated in the Noble Qur’an and the Hadiths of the Prophet (SAW). Al-Tawheed (the indivisibility of Allah’s monotheism) as the most important concept, upon which a Muslim’s entire religious adherence rests has not been entrenched in the sub-consciousness of a large number of the children and youths in the Nigerian Muslim Ummah. This is because the homes have failed woefully in this regard.
A Muslim must be of unblemished character. This is finest criterion by which Allah (SWT) extols the virtues of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in Surat Al-Qalam (Q. 68:4). Allah (SWT) chose to mention the character and virtues of the Prophet (SAW), not his wisdom, knowledge, wealth, leadership acumen or any other attribute known and unknown with him. This has been interpreted by scholars to mean that most of what is considered religious is almost synonymous with virtues and character which are excellent, and which a Muslim, must strive to instill in a child for the benefit of the Ummah. A Muslim youth should not be found wanting in excellent characters and virtues, and the process must begin from the cradle. The virtue of mutual trust (Al-Amanah) stands out as one of the very noble characters. As a steadfast father, a Muslim must work on the child to consider Al-Amanah sacred at all times in his life. The child must be taught not to ever fail the test of trust with fellow human, and by extension with Allah (SWT), his/her Creator. The importance of Al-Amanah is stated in Surah Al-Ahzab (Q.33:72). Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was quoted in an authentic Hadith saying that once Al-Amanah begins to become rare in the relationships among men on the surface of the earth, then the end-time is very imminent (Abu Huraheira in Bukhari: 6496). Another authentic Hadithh of the Prophet (SAW) that brings to bear the importance of Al-Amanah in the character of a Muslim states that a Munafiq among the Muslim Ummah (an enemy of Islam who pretends to be ardent follower in the public whereas he denounces the faith in privacy) must always default in every deal that involves mutual trust with fellow human, and indeed with Allah (SWT), as narrated by Abdullahi Ibn Umar (RA) in Bukhari: 34, and Muslim: 58.
An integral aspect of the concept of Al-Amanah which the father must impart to the young ones is to not to be covetous of things that belong to others. Once this is successfully instilled in their sub-conscious, the kids would naturally hang on to the belief that only Allah (SWT) gives and takes in all situations as they grow into adulthood.
Patience and steadfastness, which is known as Sabrin the religion of Islam, especially when faced with opposition or problems, onother virtue which a father is enjoined to instill into the child. Allah (SWT) calls on the Ummah to always exercise the virtue of Sabrin in circumstances that are daunting and challenging, because it is in that moment that one can be virtuous in the sight of Allah (SWT), Surah Az-Zumar (Q.39:10). Each commandment in the Noble Qur’an has its rewards as measured and graded in definite terms by Allah (SWT). Commandments of salat, sawm, zakat, sodaqoh, pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, for example, are rewarded by Allah (SWT) on the basis of quantifiable measurement. But sabr remains infinitely unmeasured in terms of rewards that await the Muslim who patiently obeys Allah’s (SWT) commandment on sabr. Therefore, it is pertinent for a Muslim to work very hard towards making the young ones imbibe the spirit of sabr as commanded in the Noble Qur’an.
Truth is sacrosanct. Truthfulness is a culture in Islam. The Prophet (SAW) was noted for his trustworthiness, even ever before he was called to prophethood. He served Nana Khadijah (RA) with truthfulness. This was the reason he was nicknamed “As-Sadiq, Al-Amin,” one who is reliable and trustworthy. A Muslim youth must learn to speak the truth, act in truth and relate with others in truth. In the Noble Qur’an, Allah (SWT) curses men and women who do not conduct their affairs on earth with truthfulness. Surah An-Nur, Q.24:7 and Surah Al-Imran, Q.3:61. It is therefore a huge task for a Muslim who wishes to father his offspring to the stage of “As-Sadiq” and “Al-Amin” to work diligently and follow in the footsteps of the early generation of Muslims who were companions of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the As-Salafiiyah.
How do we do this? Parents must be truthful as role models to the kids. A truthful child must be encouraged at all times and lying child must be sanctioned in the home. Muslim parents may choose to find out about the playmates of their children to ensure that such mates and peers would not be a bad influence on them.