Fulfilling the legislative social contract

Fulfilling the legislative social contract

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Social contract defines social norms, conventions, and expectations. Social contract enables the rule of law and it is based on natural rights. It protects rights in exchange for the people accepting obligations to both their fellow man and to the institutions of the society and government. In the process of fulfilling the compromise reached with people comes a sense of consummation and fruition that yields dividends, and often times, democratic ones. Different measures or approach could be adopted to fulfilling social contract, but the most potent is the legislative advocacy which is the act of making laws to equate and balance incongruity and anomalies. On the other end, the act of lawmaking involves tact, wit, cognate experience and legislative wizardry for efficient policy formulation, which if implemented, ameliorates and promote a saner society where there is justice, equity, oneness and unity of purpose are well accentuated for the common good of the haves and have-nots of the society.

In Kwara North Senatorial district, the above measure has been employed to bridge the gap between the circumcised and the uncircumcised- the privileged and the underprivileged. Life has been made abundant through the legislative fecundity of a representative whose welfare of his constituents is his foremost priority. Kwara North is so lucky for having a representative whose legislative focus is on education, health, road infrastructure, water resources, power, human capital development, empowerment and youth advancement. As a hallmark of legislative fecundity, many interventionist approaches have been made to better the lots of the people of Kwara North. Possibly, the shared prosperity in the senatorial district today wouldn’t have been made possible if not for the legislative sagacity of Senator Sadiq Suleiman Umar, the Senator representing Kwara North in the upper National Assembly. As a way of reaching out to his constituents in Kaiama local government, as fondly called, Senator Sadiq Suleiman Umar, 3SU, renovated and equipped the primary health centres in Kuguyi, Wajibe ward; Kaiama ward 2; Bani; Bezira; Kanikoko; equipped the maternity center and post office in Kaiama; renovated and equipped two blocks of classrooms in GSS Gwaria (Gwaria ward); GDSS, Kaiama (Kaiama ward 1); GSS Kuguji (Wajibe ward); Gwanajizi (Kaiama Ward Ii); GDSS, Kaiama (Kaiama Ward I); drilled motorized boreholes at M.o.w Kainji Garage (Kaiama Ward I); Kemanji, (Kemanji Ward); Aboki, (Gwanabe Ward I); Moshegada (Gwaria Ward); Bani (Bani Ward); Adena (Adena Ward); Samagizi Area (Kaiama Ward Ii); Catholic Church (Kaiama Ward Ii); Ozia Area (Kaiama Ward Ii); Kanikoko (Gwanabe Ward I); Woro (Gwanabe Ward 1); Corpers Lodge (Kaiama Ward Ii); Kuokuo Do Good Area (Kaiama Ward I); Kpakpen Area (Kaiama Ward I); Gabasawa Musa Garende Area (Kaiama Ward I); GSS, Kuguji (Wajibe Ward); Tunde Kosi (Gwanabe 1); London Community (Gwanara 2); Zekena community (Gwanabe 2); Bani Gare- (Gwanabe 1); Nasarawa Gatte (Gwaria Ward); Alh. Munti Village (Wajibe Ward); Alh Bagidi Camp (Wajibe); Nassarawa Area (Adena Ward); Gbajibo Community (Adena Ward); Olokotinti Community (Bani Ward); Fulani settlement Kobi, (Wajibe Ward); he constructed public toilets with motorized borehole at Central Primary School (Kaiama Ward L ); Kaiama Main Market (Kaiama Ward Ii); asphalt overlaid of Bataki -New Bussa bypass; asphalt overlaid of Emir Palace to Sabo roundabout roads; Keystone junction to Kuligizin; Argugun street; rehabilitation of Mallam Ayuba street- Mobolaji road; construction of standard box culverts at Waba Shirigwaria bypass (Wajibe Ward); Gbesa Tenebo road (Kemanji ward); Bezira (Wajibe ward); construction of small bridge in Gobi Kemanji (Kemanji ward); Kanikoko road (Gwanabe 1); construction of bridge in Sopere London road (Gwanabe 1); construcrion of drainages and earth work at Sabon Gari Area (Kaiama ward 2); Argungu street (Kaiama ward 2); construction of Okada riders pack near Magistrate Court (Kaiama ward 2); construction of FM radio station in Kaiama; renovation and equipment of ICT center opposite Corpers Lodge; equipped ICT centre in Government Unity secondary school; procurement and installatuon of transformer at mal. Ayuba (Kaiama ward 2); provision of solar street lights to several communities in Kaiama; provision of empowerment materials like cars, motorcycles, generators, tailoring machines grinding machines to constituents; monthly payment of N5000 to the vulnerable and widows in the last three years; training on human capital development in areas such as culinary, fish-farming, dry season farming, climate change; agricultural empowerment and provision of herbicide, farm implements, fertilizers, snapsacks, cattle salt licks to farmers; training and empowering the youths in specific skill areas such as shoe-making, bag-making, paint making, soap making, vulcanizing and ICT, and GSM repairs; provision of free eye surgeries; free eyes examination and provision of eye glasses; provision of free general surgery for hyanias lymphomas; rehabilitation of skill acquisition center at Sabo; construction of interlock and pavement of Kaburu to Mallam Attahiru Mosque; construction of interlock and pavement of Kuligizi to Sabi Fandi Mosque.

As part of his midas touch in Edu local government area, he provided empowerment materials like cars, motorcycles, generators, tailoring machines, grinding machines, to his constituents; monthly payment of N5000 to the vulnerable and widows in the last three years; trained and empowered the youths in catering and culinary arts with industrial gas burners and seed capital; trained and empowered the youths in dry season farming and provided improved seeds and seed capital; trained farmers on climate change and adaptation methods; provision of agricultural empowerment and herbicide for the farmes; distributed farm implements like fertilizers, snapchats, cattle salt licks to the farmers; trained and empowered the youths in shoe making with provision of working tools and monetary capital; trained and empowered the youths in bag making with provision of working tools and monetary capital; trained and empowered the youths in paint making with provision of working tools and monetary incentive; soap making with provision of working tools monetary incentive; trained and empowered the youths in vulcanizing with provision of working tools; trained and empowered the youths in GSM repairs with provision of laptops and other gadgets; free eye surgeries for people with financial inability; free eyes examination and provision of eye glasses to people with impaired sights; free general surgery for those with hyanias lymphomas; construction of car park in shonga ward 1; repair of well in Sangi ward 2; repair of transformer in Kangi Tsaragi ward 1; provision of scholarship for masters and undergraduate students; provision of life jacket to the fishermen in the 3 district in Edu; facilitation of relief material to victims of flood in Edu; financial supports to religious and cultural activities in all the senatorial district; renovated and equipped the primary healthcare centre, Tako Gabi; renovated and equipped the primary healthcare centres, Zambufu; Puta; Shonga; Sakpata; renovated the Cottage Hospital, Tsaragi; drilled motorized boreholes in Bimdufu; Central Mosque Lafiagi; Emi Mamusa; Emi Likali GRA, Lafiagi; Tsaragi, Edi Mosque; Tsaragi ward 2, Bacita Elimosh; Shonga Ward 1, Bonzu primary school junction; Tsaragi ward 1; Ganagagi Ward 3, Lafiagi; Area office; Emi Mamusa; Guye Dadi; drilled hand pump borehole in Edogi;  asphalted Nagun road Lafiagi; asphalted Sangi road, Lafiagi; constructed Ganagagi bridge; constructed Sodo bridge; constructed Ndafa bridge; constructed FM radio station; supplied and installed transformer in Gbugbu; supplied and installed transformer in Tsaragi; extended electricity electrification to Gudugi, Tsaragi district; provided solar street lights to several communities and repaired many transformers in some of the communities within the LGA.

In Patigi local government area, 3SU ubiquitous presence is being felt as he renovated and equipped the primary Healthcare Centres in Fey (Kpada); Godiwa; Lalagi; Patigi, Patigi 3; drilled a motorized boreholes in EMI Lagya open space; EMI Baru; Wadata Kpotun Patigi 1; Eka Kuso Kpada 1; Matokun Kpada 3; Kakafu Lade 1; PHC, Fey Kpada 2; Lahilahi open space; Kpoatoa; Sanganuwa; Guluka; Pati Wadata, Kpada 1; Kpoatoa Patigi 2; Rani Ndako, Lade 2; in Gboke; Rani; construction of asphalted road in Lade; constructed of box culvert in Rifun road; constructed Kpada bridge; rehabilitation of bridge on Gomna Street, Lade town; procured and installed transformer at Esanti Community, Lade 3; provided solar street lights in several communities; provided empowerment materials like motorcycles, cars, generators, tailoring machines, and grinding machines to the constituents; monthly payment of N5000 to the vulnerable and widows in the last three years; provided supports for cultural and religious activities; provided training and human capital development in areas such as culinary-baking and catering services; provided training on fish farming and provision of fingerlings, fish feeds, and smoking grill; provided training on dry season farming with provision of improved seeds varieties, water pumping machines, and seed capital; provided training for farmers on climate change and adaptation methods; empowered farmers with the provision of herbicide and pesticides; empowered farmers with the provision of farm implements such as hand-tractors and snapsacks; empowered farmers with provision of fertilizers; herder’s cattle salt licks and vaccination of cattles; provided training and empowered the youths on shoe making, bag making with tools an capital; provided training and empowered youths on soap manufacture with working tools and seed capital; vulcanizing with tools; trained and empowered youths on ICT with laptops; trained and empowered youths on GSM repairs with working tools; provided free eye surgeries; provided free eyes examination and provision of eye glasses; general surgery for those with lymphomas; constructed Town Hall in Patigi; renovated two blocks of classrooms in Gboke primary school; Islamiya college, Patigi; provided instructional materials to P.L.G.E.A Central School, Patigi; provided instructional materials to P.L.G.E.A Central School, Kpada; provided scholarship to undergraduate and postgraduate students; supplied of laboratory equipment; drugs and medical equipment to some schools.

The good people of Moro local government are having it cozy with 3SU as the distinguished Senator renovated and equipped the primary healthcare centre in Eji Dongari; renovated and equipped the primary healthcare centres in Apoya; Okutala; Maya; drilled motorized boreholes in Okutala; Jebba; Megida Idu; Kondodo; Oloru; Olokiti; Kajola; Okutala PHC; GAA Ajao; Oloko; Onigbera; Abereijo; Monda; Odunade; Lanwa Lanwa ward; Alagbo Megida ward; construction of asphalted Shalom roads, Bode Saadu; station road, Bode Saadu; constructed Adara bridges, Arobadi; Igboemu Babadudu bridge; constructed CBT Center in Malete; constructed blocks classrooms in Lanwa ward; Olokiti; distributed science school apparatus to some schools; constructed Okada riders’ park at Shao; renovated Skill Acquisition Centre in Bode Sadu; provided solar street lights in several communities; provided empowerment materials like cars, motorcycles, generators, tailoring machines and grinding machines to needy constituents; monthly payment of N5000 to the vulnerable and widows in the last three years; provided training and human capital development in areas such as culinary, fish farming, dry season farming, and climate change; provided agricultural empowerment and provision of herbicide, farm implements, fertilizers, snapsacks, cattle salt licks to farmers; provided training and empowerment of youths in specific skill areas such as shoe making, bag making paint making, soap making vulcanizing, ICT and GSM repairs; provided free eye surgeries for helpless constituents with impaired sights; provided free eyes examination and provision of eye glasses for individuals with eye defects; provided free general surgery for hernias lymphomas; provided supports for religious and festival activities; provided supports of medical bills; supplied laboratory equipment to various hospitals; supplied drugs and medical equipment to some hospitals.

In the case of Senator Sadiq Suleiman Umar, 3SU, the word of Woodrow Wilson readily comes to mind who said: “There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed.” Saying that Senator Sadiq has found himself lost in the service for others could amount to saying the least as it is palpably evident in his stellar legislative performances.

As a way of giving back to his constituents, Senator Sadiq has always ensured evenly distribution of legislative dividends in Baruten local government as he provided instructional materials to the B.L.G.E.A, Shiya; gave cash support for the renovation of schools in Ningurume; constructed examination hall in Gwasoro; constructed ICT center in Government Secondary School, Yashikira; constructed two blocks of classroom in Suya; constructed ICT center in Kosubosu; constructed public toilet in Kara market, llesha-Baruba; constructed public toilet in Gure market; constructed car shade in Kosubosu; constructed modern town hall in Gwanara; gave cash support for the rehabilitation of Okutala town hall; extended the electricity electrification from Kaiama to Kosubosu; provided solar lights to some communities; gave scholarship support to students from secondary school to postgraduate level; gave regular support and empowerment to those with ailing health; provided empowerment materials like cars, motorcycles, generators, tailoring machines, grinding machines to the needy constituents; provided training and empowerment tools for the youths in shoe-making, bag-making, and soup making; drilled motorized boreholes in Bwen, Bwen-Kiyoru ward; Shinaju Tumbuyan ward; Yenkoru/Yakira ward; Okutala; Ningurume, Bode Babne ward; Teberu, Kosubosu; provided solar street in Gaa-Wena; constructed public toilet in Kara market, llesha; constructed new police station in llesha; constructed and equipped ICT center in Yashikira; graded llesha-Baruba bypass road; constructed modern market in Okuta; constructed the bypass road in Yashikira; graded the Kenu-Okuta cratered road; provided periodic cash grant to the vulnerable constituents; provided training in agricpreneurship with starter packs to the youths; provided fertilizer and herbicide to farmers; provided free eye surgeries for hernia and lymphomas; provided free eye glasses for visually impaired; trained and empowered youths in ICT with laptops; trained and empowered youths in shoe-making, bag-making, and vulcanizing; provided motorized boreholes in Temidire, Okuta ward; Gbengbereru Kenu/Tabera ward; Tuka Gure/Gwasoro ward; Bwen; Teberu; Yakira; Yenkoru; provided handpumb boreholes in Waisaru; Alafiaru; Generi Fulani; Yashikira town; PHC, Gwanara; Kparuku; Wodora; Okuta; Ningurume; Mudoro; Yenkoru; Shinawu; Chikanda; Sinakoto; Kosubosu, and Bode; renovated and equipped cottage hospitals, llesha;  PHCs, Gwanara, Yashikira, and Gbabe.

  • Ipoola, a Public Affairs analyst wrote in from llorin, Kwara State.

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