You already know what time it is —Harmattan O’clock! December is one time of the year that people are often looking forward to but prepare less for— you know, cool weather, festivities, and, of course, dry winds.
Even toddlers can tell when Christmas is approaching, but what do they possibly know about preparing for it?

The harmattan can be hard on toddlers’ skin, hair, and even their immune systems. So, if you have toddlers, this time of year requires that you take extra care to keep them healthy and comfortable because their immunity is not like that of adults.
You don’t have to worry about anything. Let’s examine some simple tips to keep little children around you healthy and happy this December.
1. Moisturise the body
Harmattan’s dry winds can get harsh on your toddler’s skin. You can apply body butter, baby oil, or gentle petroleum jelly on the skin after a bath. This is important as it helps to fight dryness. Also, don’t spare any part of their body that can be prone to dryness — face, thighs, elbow, legs, hands, or knees.
2. Boost their immunity
This December, you can protect your toddler by strengthening their immune system with multivitamins, medically prescribed supplements, and a balanced diet rich in vegetables and fruits, such as cabbage, oranges, carrots, and pawpaw. All these are important because they can be vulnerable to colds, catarrh, and coughs.
Also, ensure that they get enough rest and sleep because toddlers love to play and run around; some toddlers.
3. Appropriate outfits
To protect your toddler this December, avoid outfits that expose sensitive and cold-prone areas of their bodies. Keep them warm throughout the day, especially when the weather is more intense — mornings or evenings. Wear jackets, sweaters, socks, head warmers, and other protective clothing to prevent them from falling sick. Remember, their immune system isn’t as strong as yours, so take extra care.
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4. Keep them hydrated
Kids love sweet things, true. However, you can control their soda intake or altogether avoid things that won’t keep them hydrated. They can get dehydrated faster than usual during the dry season. So, encourage them to take things that are beneficial to them in fun ways – like tea, soups, fresh juice etc. You can make them into popsicles or cut them in shapes that they’ll find appealing.
5. Moisturise their face
Your priority is to protect your toddler this December because harmattan can cause chapped lips and dry noses—the dry air is out to get them. Apply lip balm and rub their nose and chest with cream mixed with menthol. Also, ensure that your product is safe and appropriate for their age.
In addition, clean your surroundings regularly and keep them away from dust. All these tips should help your toddler enjoy December.