When Mrs Emitomo Morenike Ola gave birth to her baby, Abimifoluwa, two years ago, her family was full of joy and happiness. Today, however, the young mother is anxiously searching for treatment for two-year-old boy who has been diagnosed with tetralogy of fallot, commonly called “hole in the heart.”
Mrs Ola said that she and her husband had been to the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan for the treatment of their young infant.

“UCH has been managing our case since last year. We were eventually told that a surgery was needed and that it would cost us about N3million,” she said.
The father and mother decided to take a bank loan of N3million to offset the cost of the surgery.
“We did not want to be a burden on anyone or make any noise about our predicament. That is why we opted for the bank loan,” she said.
Having secured the loan, the Olas returned to UCH to proceed with the surgery. However, they met a brick-wall.
According to her, “They told us that they are not bringing a surgeon any time soon, because there is a scarcity of funds. We were asked to look elsewhere to get the surgery done, and that we should act fast because the vein is getting thinner.”
The Ola family contacted a hospital, Florence Healthcare, in Turkey, that has agreed to perform the surgery on Baby Ola at a total cost of $15,200. This comes to about N8million at the official exchange rate to the dollar.
The Ola family is seeking the assistance of well-meaning Nigerians to foot this bill and save the life of their two-year-old son.
The Olas can be reached on 0706-696-6990 or 0803-329-0812.
The account details are:
Account name: Emitomo Morenike
GTB: 0030271475