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How to navigate through financial hardship

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Financial hardship can be an unsettling experience. Fear, anxiety, and uncertainty can be overwhelming. However, amidst the storm, there’s a beacon of hope: trust in God. It’s a journey that requires faith, resilience, and a shift in perspective.


Patience is a Virtue- (Suru-lere)

Tough times are rarely permanent. They are seasons, not lifetimes. Patience is essential during these periods. There’s a popular Yoruba saying that says: “Suru-lere”. As Robert H. Schuller also confirms in his book  “Tough Tmes Don’t Last, But Tough People Do”. This is the period you need to conserve your energy and focus on building resilience. Remember, every challenge is an opportunity for growth. Trust that God is working behind the scenes, preparing you for something greater.


Don’t Isolate Yourself

Isolation can exacerbate feelings of despair. Surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family can provide emotional and practical support. Sharing your struggles with trusted individuals can offer valuable perspectives and encouragement. Joining support groups or faith communities can also create a sense of belonging and hope.


Be Open To Opportunities

Financial challenges can sometimes close your minds to possibilities. It’s crucial to keep an open heart and mind to opportunities. They might come in unexpected forms. Perhaps a new skill, a chance encounter, or a creative idea could be the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for. Remember, every closed door often leads to a new one. Trust that God is orchestrating your path, even if it doesn’t make immediate sense.


Acknowledge your blessings

The first step to trusting God in financial need is recognizing the blessings you already possess. It’s easy to focus on what’s missing, but gratitude can be a powerful antidote to despair. Do you have a roof over your head? Food on your table? Good health? These are significant blessings often overlooked in the pursuit of wealth. Gratitude shifts your focus from scarcity to abundance.


Extend a helping hand

Ironically, helping others can be a powerful way to alleviate your own financial stress. Volunteering your time or resources can bring a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It’s a reminder that your situation isn’t unique, and many people are facing greater challenges. By giving back, you not only impact others but also cultivate a spirit of generosity that can attract blessings into your life.


Share Your Resources

Giving to the poor might seem counterintuitive when you’re struggling financially. However, the principle of sowing and reaping is a cornerstone of faith. Sharing what little you have demonstrates trust in God’s provision. It’s a powerful act of faith that can open doors to unexpected blessings.


Be A Wise Steward

Managing your little resources wisely is crucial during financial difficulties. Create a budget, eliminate unnecessary expenses, and explore ways to increase your income. While it’s essential to trust in God’s provision, it’s equally important to be a good steward of the resources you have.

Be patient with yourself, celebrate small victories, and never give up hope.

Ultimately, trusting God in financial need is about surrendering control and embracing His sovereignty. It’s about finding peace amidst the storm, knowing that He is in charge. It’s about believing that your worth is not determined by your bank account but by your value as a person.

As you navigate this challenging season, may faith be your anchor, hope your compass, and resilience your strength.

Remember, suicide is not an option!

Trust in God’s perfect timing and abundant provision.

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