If equity, justice and fairness is murdered on the National political altar like that unifying verse in our old and irreplaceable National Anthem that says, “….though tribe and tongue may differ, in brotherhood we stand..”, l see a new Nigeria that will emerge from the ashes of political, economic and human annihilation like the biblical stone the builders rejected…. I see a new Nigeria with Isiaka Ishola Balogun.
If the political and economic greed of mere mortals in the corridors of power forces the rejected stone to wall of near extinction that will force the hand of God Almighty to show that ALL power belongs to Him and He alone chooses whomever He pleases per time to rule in the affairs of men. I see a new Nigeria with Isiaka Ishola Balogun….
I see 2022 as the turning point in the history of this great nation beyond the wildest imagination of the “powers that currently be, who forgets that others like then have come and gone without trace today” to the Glory of God Almighty. I see a new Nigeria with Isiaka Ishola Balogun….
I see a political and economic rebirth and realignment never before witnessed in this country that will determine the fate of Nigeria in 2023 and beyond.. I see a new Nigeria with Isiaka Ishola Balogun.
Spirituality, His Kingdom and His righteousness will be the epicenter of this new rebirth. I see a new Nigeria contrary to the wishes of those political demigods parading themselves as if they know for certainty they will be alive to fulfil their lofty dreams for 2023. I see a new Nigeria with Isiaka Ishola Balogun….
I see God Almighty anointing a leader like Isiaka Ishola Balogun in the mold of Li Kuan Yu the former Prime Minister of Singapore, that will take ALL NIGERIANS AND NIGERIA NATION TO TAKE HER RIGHTFUL PLACE IN AFRICA AND AMONG THE COMITY OF NATIONS IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER THAT WILL INCLUDE NIGERIA AND YES, AFRICA.
I see a new dawn for our nation that will emerge from the ashes of near political disaster.
I see a new Nigeria emerge on the alter of equity, justice and fairness.
The hope of all Nigerians. Welcome to 2022…to be or not to be. That is the question that must be answered this political year. May we not fail destiny.
Stay tuned, remain focused, determined, dedicated and disciplined, God still rules in the affairs of men. Continue Reading
Don Martyn L.O Nwosu.
Political Analyst