Inconvenient truths about Nigeria (1)

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Although to ordinary people the concept of truth as the correspondence of assertions or beliefs to objective reality is a matter of common sense which should not occasion serious disagreement, from the philosophical point of view ‘truth’ is a problematic concept to define.

In western philosophical tradition, Aristotle, one of the legendary triumvirates of ancient Greek philosophy, articulated the earliest classical definitions of truth which is consonant with our pre-philosophical understanding of the word.

According to him, “to say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false; while to say of what is that it is, or of what is not that it is not, is true.” This Aristotelian definition of truth is intuitively sound, but when subjected to rigorous philosophical scrutiny unanticipated conceptual problems rear up.


Since this essay is not a philosophical investigation into the extremely important concept of truth, we will assume that Aristotle’s conception is adequate for our purpose, which is essentially to present a silhouette or portmanteau of propositions containing nuggets of truth that members of the ruling elite, particularly Fulani caliphate colonialists, might find inconvenient.

The major strategy to be deployed here is to cite the views of Nigerians regarding relevant significant events for understanding the current state of existential anomie or threat the country finds herself today.

Now, it is really disheartening that Nigeria has speedily regressed from the almost complete freedom of expression during the tenure of Dr.Goodluck Jonathan to the suffocating government of President Muhammadu Buhari in which the fundamental rights of Nigerians to associate, speak freely (which necessarily includes criticising the federal government) and protest peacefully are regularly supressed (often times brutally) using the state’s instruments of coercion and violence.

Worst still, some so-called federal legislators who ought to be on the side of freedom of speech irrespective of the potentials for its abuse have the audacity to propose the enactment of a law curtailing free speech by hiding under a proposed hate speech bill.

One of the reasons why those of us who argued that Buhari should not be elected every time he contested for the presidency is because of his very poor record as a military dictator with respect to the issue of fundamental human rights. President Buhari has proved once again that a leopard can never get rid of its spots.

Or else how can one explain the recent arrest of Chinwetalu Agu, a veteran Nollywood actor, for simply wearing a piece of clothing with symbol and colours associated with Biafra? Is a non-violent individual support of Biafra against the grievously flawed 1999 constitution?

What about emirs who ride around in Rolls Royce luxury cars adorned with Arewa flags? Why are useful idiots from the south-east parading themselves as Igbo leaders silent on the issue? Chinwetalu Agu’s ordeal in the hands of security operatives is a barometer for measuring the level to which Nigeria has sunk in the last six years into the mud of primitivism and hateful ethnic profiling.

Sheik Ahmed Gumi has been campaigning for and acting as a spokesman for murderous Islamist terrorists now nicknamed bandits, and no one has detained him just because he is a Muslim Fulani. Had a public figure from Igboland given the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPoB) one-tenth of the support Gumi has given northern bandits, the federal government would have declared him a terrorist, taken him to a court presided over by a lackey of the executive and got him sentenced to a long prison term.

Without equivocation or sententious platitudes, Nigeria is not a balanced aggregation of different ethnic nationalities where all citizens irrespective of ethnicity or religion are equal stakeholders in the scheme of things. It is more like a glorified Animal Farm in which some animals are more equal than the others.

Accordingly, Nigeria as presently constituted and governed is an unstable edifice built on a shaky foundation of lies, deceit, megalomania, and violence first by the British colonialists against indigenous populations and, during the civil war, against the defunct eastern region. Anyone who still believes that the country would survive in the long run without fundamental structural and geopolitical modification needs the services of a neurologist.

Despite the dangers of speaking inconvenient truths publicly about the current administration, only a shameless human being without conscience and self-dignity or self-respect would see things worsening in his or her society and either pretends that “all is well” or fails to speak the truth for those who have ears to hear.


Of course, one can understand why bulimic sycophants, lackeys, and beneficiaries of Buhari’s government parade half-truths, lies, disinformation and deceptive “alternative facts” to cover-up the egregious failures of the government.

Yet, irrespective of the insipidities peddled by all manner of mentally disorganised buharimaniacs in the social media and elsewhere, there is no doubt that an increasing number of Nigerians have sank into the slough of extreme poverty and disillusionment since 2015 whereas politicians in high and low places continue to manifest the pathology of self-destructive avarice and acquisitiveness.

Things are definitely getting out of hand in Nigeria as prices of both essential and inessential commodities increase with the lightning speed of Usain Bolt. More generally, the present government is a colossal failure because leadership positions at the three tiers of government are dominated by evil men and women lacking in compassion and empathy for the suffering masses.

To some extent it is true that a people deserve the kind of leadership they get. But then, for so long a significant number of the so-called educated class or intellectuals who ought to defend the people against bad leaders have actually worked and are still working  in concert with political predators and vultures to impoverish fellow citizens who oftentimes sheepishly celebrate the very people that have made their lives bitter with hardship and suffering.

That said, those Nigerians who enthusiastically wanted change in 2015 and felt that Buhari and his All Progressives Congress (APC) embody that change definitely deserve whatever suffering they are going through presently. Unfortunately, the APC has democratised poverty, meaning that even those that rejected the truthful lies sold by Lai Mohammed and the crowd of alleluia chorus boys and girls of APC from 2013 to 2015 are also bearing the brunt of Buhari’s misgovernance.

This government is working only for a few greedy Nigerians in the corridors of power for whom the country exists as a business proposition for self-enrichment. On this, Nigeria is not very different from virtually every country, especially the backward ones all over the world. But more significantly, according to Myetti Allah leaders and Bala Mohammed, Fulani leaders are doing their best to make Nigeria a homeland for the nomadic Fulani from West Africa and the Sahel region.

In an essay entitled “Nigeria: A Looming Apocalypse” posted on social media, Akin Ajose-Adeogun tries to throw some light on the current situation in Nigeria. He observes that powerful elements in the federal government and foreign players [probably dominated by Muslims who espouse Wahhabism] are responsible for the Islamist insurgency that has spread southwards from central Nigeria.

Its core objective is to actualise an old transnational Fulani agenda of Islamic revivalism and territorial expansion, which has been made even more compelling by climate change, food insecurities, together with developmental and environmental challenges in the arid and semi-arid Sahel region of West Africa.

Even before independence, powerful Islamist elements in successive federal governments have had a single-minded determination to fulfil Usman Dan Fodio’s vision, and no amount of pleading or negotiation will truncate it.

Ajose-Adeogun further affirms that majority of the north’s intelligentsia [those I, following Chinweizu, christen Fulani caliphate colonialists] are either enthusiastic supporters of the Islamisation agenda or are indifferent to it. The northern proletariat are also enthusiastic about it and expect to benefit handsomely in a conflict with the south.

Fulani caliphate colonialists have long prepared for this conflict, and with the coming of Buhari have seized the most critical institutions of state and tightened its stranglehold on the army, which is “really no more than the mercenary force it was in the days of Lugard when the mandate never exceeded preservation of the interests of those in power.”

Ajose-Adeogun claims that the south-west’s response to the existential threat posed by the north is hampered “by the namby-pamby character of the average Yoruba and by the blatant careerism of their opportunistic leaders who have no aspiration other than to secure advancement for themselves.”

The reforming faction of the intelligentsia and the proletariat, Chief ObafemiAwolowo’s constituency, would like to push back on the Fulani menace but are confused “and do not have any real leadership nor real clue about what to do about it.”

Concerning the conservative wing of the Yoruba intelligentsia, Ajose-Adeogun was very scathing, and rightly so, considering how they sheepishly and unwisely lined up behind Bola Tinubuwho led them in 2015 to the bobby trap set by Fulani caliphate colonialists.

In his own words, “this pathetic, decadent, lowest form of humanity have traditionally chosen to make alliances where they see the greatest opportunity for personal aggrandisement. In the evolving crisis, they can be expected to trim their sails to every breeze and exuberate in platitudes.”

To be continued.



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