I am a healthy 65-year-old man with a pot belly. Despite cutting down on my consumption of starchy foods and alcohol, my midriff has not diminished in size. Some of my friends have informed me that this is ‘middle age spread’ and there is nothing I can do about it. I want to know if this is true.
Olumide (by SMS)

Even though ‘middle-age spread’ can be responsible for your ‘pot belly’, dieting through reduction of your intake of starchy foods as well as alcohol has been discovered to help in the reduction of abdominal fat.
Also, occasional fasting could hasten this process. In addition, exercises that increase the heart rate and make you sweat will help you to lose weight in general including the one in your abdomen.
In exchange for the reduction in your intake of starchy foods, you will need to increase your intake of cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables.
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