IT is truism that the various monumental development today in the world has been brought about by scientific discoveries. It is truism that the hope of the modern man to achieve greater success lies with scientific inventions. It is truism that scientific exploits of today will determine further civilization of the world. It is truism that the further conversion of the world to a global village where man will carry out things at great speed, with ease and at cheaper cost for ultimate convenience can only be achieved through scientific achievements: It is truism that the better understanding of the world can best be achieved through science. It is truism that knowledge can best expand and transmitted from one generation to the other through science. It is truism that all forms of philosophical sciences like mathematics, logic, natural science, theology politics and ethics can best expand their body knowledge through science.
Indeed, science is central to development. Science is important to modernisation. Science is golden to human living Science is pertinent to societal growth Science is inevitable to human habitation of the world. Science gives-fillip to human understanding of the various complexities of the universe Science and human understanding of the creator of heaven and the earth and all that are contained thereof.

Since science is based on truth, it is in harmony with Islam that means total submission to the unity of truthful Allah (Qur’an 2:112; 6:153; 3:19). Since science is based on positive knowledge, it is in consonance with Islam which seeks peace with the Almighty Allah, with the believer his fellow human beings and peace for the entire peoples of the globe, (Qur’an 4:36; 69:8).
Since science is based on unbiased observations and systematic experimentation, it is in cordial relationship with Islam which doesn’t recognize, any privilege and enjoins justice and kindness to all even towards an enemy (Qur’an 49:13; 58).
Since science is based on knowledge that is backed by formal proofs and or by observational evidences it is in good relations with Islam that is based on total submission to an Indivisible and Inevitable Allah whose works and creations are manifested through the heavens, the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, the plants, human beings, brute animals and among others the intertwine relationship between day and night (Qur’an 6:103; 57:3; 24:25).
But it is important to note that Islam disagrees with science in some respects, especially where scientific truth is determined by socio-political and economic situation of the times as by the dictates of reason and logic At least the covetous nature of man has made the exploitation of science possible through false claims, gross disinformation and scientific disasters.
The famous physicist of the twentieth century, Albert Einstein, in ‘A message To Intellectuals’, on August 29,1948, quite agrees with Islam in this regard. According to him, “By painful experience we learnt that rational thinking does not suffice to solve the problems of our social life. Penetrating research and keen scientific work have often had tragic implications for mankind. Creating the means for his own mass destruction. This indeed is a tragedy of overwhelming poignancy.”
Such tragedies of science that are borne out of human desperation for money, fame and power are contradictory to Islamic dictates on truth, justice and fair play. That is perhaps why science is viewed with a mixture of admiration and fear, hope and despair, seen both as the source of many of the ills of modem industrial society and the source from which cures for these ills will come.
In fact, Islam, as described by H.G. Wells’ ‘Uncompromising monotheism’, doesn’t agree with the protagonists of scientific blunders such as the discovery and production of destructive weapons as atomic bombs. It doesn’t compromise with the excuse of Robert Oppenheimer, the atomic scientist who was in charge of building the first American atomic bomb, that “It is not the scientist’s responsibility to determine whether a hydrogen bomb should be used. That responsibility rests with the American people and their chosen representatives.”
Really, the position of Islam against scientific inventions that may deplete the environment, and destroy the human race has been justified with the new expansion of the world’s nuclear club from five countries to eight nuclear weapon power nations.
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However, the religion of peace allows for the acquisition of such lethal weapons quote in self-defense only since the five old nuclear bomb owners are not interested in detonating their own for the sake of world peace Afterall, it becomes political weapon to earn self-esteem, respect, and protect national sovereignty and integrity And at least the Almighty Allah strengthened the kingdom of Prophet Daud by honouring him with great knowledge to manufacture coats of mail that happened to be the first war weapon to be invented in history. (Qur’an 38:20; 27:15-21; 80:34; 10:11)
“It was we who taught David the making of coats of mail for your benefit, to guard you from each other’s violence: will ye then be grateful?” (Qur’an 21:80).
So, all forms of scientific discoveries took their foot from divine knowledge. Whether any invention is systematically proved or not, the knowledge is brought about by Almighty God who is the source of knowledge and wisdom. (Qur’an 59:22; 4:56; 64:18). It is Almighty Allah that illuminates the mind of scientists with His Light (Nur). And that Light is the key to the greater part of knowledge.
According to Al-Ghazali, whoever thinks that the understanding of things divine rests upon strict proofs has in his thought narrowed down the wideness of God’s Mercy. In fact, whenever Allah Wills to guide, a man. He enlarges his breast for Islam that is surrender to the unity of Allah. (Qur’an 6:125).
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) explains in an authentic hadith that such enlargement of human mind (search) means: “A light which God Most High casts into the heart to withdraw from the mansion of deception and return to the mansion of eternity.” The Prophet further explains that “God created the creatures in darkness, and then sprinkled upon them some of His light which brings about intuitive understanding of things divine.”