Renaissance of Islam

Islam and science III – Tribune Online

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THERE seems to be four bodies of knowledge that complement the cordiality between Islam and science. According to Abu Hamid Muhammed Al-Ghazal (1058-1111 A.D.), the first is the science of theology (‘ilm al-kalam) which preserves the creed of orthodoxy and defends it against the deviations of heretics. The second is the knowledge of Bariniyah, who possess the authoritative instruction (ta’lim) that derive truth from the infallible Imam. The third is the body of knowledge of philosophers who regard themselves as the exponents of logic and demonstration. And the fourth is the school of thought of the Sufis or mystics who claim that only they enter into the ‘presence’ (of God) and possess vision and intuitive understanding.

Actually, these four schools of thought are complementary to the bodies of knowledge, but Al-Ghazali insists that the ‘truth cannot lie outside these four classes. These are the people who tread the paths of the quest for forth If the truth is not them, no point remains in trying to apprehend the truth’.

Such intellectual position may as well he right because the first category consists of the universal Holy Book of Mother of knowledge. The Qur’an which was relevant yesterday, still relevant today and will be relevant forever (Qur’an 18:109). The continued freshness of the Holy Qur’an and its attendant originality covering all phases of knowledge is what should marvel any rational mind. It is truly a well-preserved Book that was revealed from the creator of heaven and earth which discriminated between truth and untruth. In fact, its truth is constant as the beckoning of day and night. (Qur’an 20 4; 56:78; 25:1; 2:2).

“That is indeed a Qur’an most Honourable, in a Book well-guarded, which none shall touch but those who are clean: A revelation from the Lord of the worlds. (Qur’an 56:77-8)

Truly, all forms of scientific discoveries took their root from the Holy Book of Islam. Truly, all scientists’ inventions have their theoretical proportions in the Qur’an. Truly, all scientific wittingly or unwittingly derive their knowledge from the Last revelation to mankind. Truly, scientific exploits derive their potency from the truthful hypothesis given in the Book of Mercy for mankind. Truly, scientists derive their investigations consciously or unconsciously from the Great Book that is free from all doubts Truly, there is need to include the study of Holy Qur’an in the curriculum of scientists in the world so that they may be acquainted with the original Book of science.

Indeed, the Holy Qur’an touches on all forms of science. As a perfect Holy Book, all forms of scientific instructions known and unknown had been perfected in it some fifteen centuries ago (Qur’an 5:5).

The complete Holy Book of Guidance for all ages, the Holy Qur’an speaks at every level of scientific exploits and imagination and beyond human comprehension (Qur’an 18:54; 39:27; 59:21).

As the true, original and uncorrupted encyclopedia of science, the Holy Book of Islam repeatedly exhorts observation, reflection, exercises reason and understanding for the betterment of mankind. (Qur’an 22:269). As the unsurpassed masterpiece of science, the Holy Qur’an ponders over intellectual problems and proffers solutions. (Qur’an 9:121; 17:44).

As the honoured book of science, the Holy Qur’an is categorical, decisive and definite on all issues (Q 86:13-14). And as science is full of wisdom that seeks to make the world a comfortable place to live, the last scripture till eternity expounds all that is needed by mankind for complete fulfillment of life and furnishes guidance for the attainment of peace or what Al-Ghazali calls the Just Balance. And as science continues to unravel new discoveries and inventions daily, the Holy Qur’an is full of knowledge and wisdom that are inexhaustible. (Qur’an 18:109; 31:27).

“Say: If the ocean were ink (wherewith to write out) the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be exhausted than would the words of my Lord, even if we added another ocean like it, for its aid”. (Q.18:109).

Moreover, just as science require back-up theories upon which discoveries may be made, the Holy Qur’an stands as the most effective instrument for basing such propositions and hypotheses. (Qur’an 25:52). Just as scientific inventions are special, are the scientific thoughts in the Holy Qur’an are peerless, unique and cannot be matched. (Qur’an 2:23; 11:13; 17:88; 32:34). As new discoveries are fresh and original in science, the message of Holy Qur’an is free from discrepancies (Qur’an 4:82).

No doubt, Islam and science coexist in harmony. No doubt, Islam encourages scientific discoveries, inventions and explorations. No doubt, Islam disagrees with the concept of distinction between the science and religion. Islam quite disagrees with the thought of Newton that science and religion are separate as espoused in his ‘Principa Mathematica’ Islam surely disagrees with Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1892) on his idea of separation between science and religion as shown in his ‘Origin of Specis’. Islam is uncompromising with the other religionists that considered science as blasphemy. As if to show that space travels originate from Islam, the Almighty Allah admonishes the Jinns and men to explore beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth with His Authority. (Qur’an 55:33).

As if to show that the science of transportation originates from Islam, the Book of Allah encourages travel in the land so that we may appreciate how He originates creation. (Qur’an 29:20). As if to show that the science of Geography takes root from Islam, the only surviving un-editioned Message of the Creator enjoins reflection over the beauty of heavens and the earth that they are not created in vain. (Qur’an 3:191).

Really, all forms of science are discussed in the Holy Qur’an. It covers Quarry Technology as it explains the Blasting of mountains (Qur’an 7:99;77:10). It touches nuclear technology as it discusses cosmic rays and nuclear bombs. (Qur’an 44:10; 55:35). It covers zoology as it talks on animals being gathered in zoological gardens. (Qur’an 81:5). It talks on international relations as it announces peoples and nations coming together (Qur’an 8:17). It covers political science and administration of justice (Qur’an 8:8). It talks on printing technology and future increase in the publication of books. (Qur’an 81:10). It covers the sciences of geology, mineralogy and astronomy (Qur’an 81:11; 84:4).

What of the sciences of agriculture, food technology, banking and finance; management and communications as explained in the Holy Qur’an? (Qur’an 41:9; 5:4; 2:168; 16:114; 23:51; 2: 282). What of the sciences of architecture, building technology, civil engineering, quantity surveying, and allied professions as postulated in the Holy Qur’an (Qur’an 27:39;38:37). What of the sciences of irrigation, earthquakes, oceanography and manufacturing as engendered in the Holy Qur’an? (Qur’an 24:43, 30:48-50; 99:1;34:12).

What of the prophecies of the Qur’an on earth revealing its treasures, the signs of latter days; discovery of new countries: and continents; earth yielding up its hidden treasures; safeguarding of Qur’an by Allah; the spread of Islam worldwide, the world wars and among others, the destruction of atomic powers. (Qur’an 84:3; 15:9; 17:80; 18:99; 55:31; 111:1).

The affinity between Islam and science knows no bound. The interrelationships between Islam and science is a continuum. The conviviality between Islam and science are limitless. The symbiotic and intertwined relationships between Islam and science are unique and rewarding for the human race. The congeniality between Islam and science is a manifestation of God’s Will on us to make the world a better place for us. The agreement between Islam and science attests to the fact that every knowledge and discoveries should be in the service of Allah. The good riddance between Islam and science suggests that the Almighty is at the service of humanity and appreciation from us by being submissive to the unity and worship of Allah.

READ ALSO: Islam and science

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