THE point is that we should not fear the wickedness of fellow human beings so much that the fear of man prevents us from giving glory to God. Has God blessed you recently? Give thanks to Him. Do so, not only in your closet, but also in the midst of His people. David said, Psalm 35: 18 Then I will give you thanks in front of the great congregation; in the midst of the mighty throng I will praise you. Psalm 111: 1 Praise the LORD! I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation.
This should be your approach too. As you praise God openly, you bring honour to His name, and you enable doubters to see that God is still active in His creation. David did this often in his lifetime, and it is therefore not a surprise that He experienced so much of God’s blessings. Of course, we should not give thanks to God out of greed – we should not thank God with the intention to use thanksgiving to arm-twist Him to do more for us. However, the fact remains that genuine thanksgiving provokes even greater divine benevolence. So, instead of being afraid or reluctant to thank God openly, we should actually be eager and enthusiastic about it. An attitude of thanksgiving has many benefits. An attitude of gratitude can only improve a life; it cannot diminish a person. Few things transform a human life like giving thanks. Every expression of thanks elevates us.

Thanksgiving to God raises our gaze: we look away from self and we look to God; we look away from all we wish we had to all we have been given. Giving thanks to God elevates the status of our hearts: grumbling hearts become grateful hearts as we give thanks to God. Grateful hearts see the blessings of God more readily and thus can harness them more fully. Gratitude to God positions us to see our place properly. We become keenly aware that we are small and dependent, and that our loving God cares for us. Thanksgiving brings us to the point where we can really feel God’s love and generosity. This in turn opens new vistas for us to experience the glory of God. Scientists affirm that virtually every part of a person – our intellect, emotions, physical body, spiritual life, and relationships – is made healthier by gratitude. Hence…Ephesians 5: 17 – 20 …do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus ChristHas God done something for you recently? Give Him thanks. Tell someone about God’s goodness. Share your testimony.
*to be continued
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