By Dr. Wale Okediran

I am currently on some medications for my High Blood Pressure and Arthritis. Kindly let me know if I can still be taking my regular bottle of beer with the medications.
Bamidele (by SMS)
It has been confirmed that alcohol interacts with some medications. Depending on what you’re taking and your health condition, drinking can make medication less effective, or lead to dangerous health consequences. It also can put you at risk for internal bleeding, heart problems, and difficulties in breathing. In addition to these dangers, alcohol can make a medication less effective or even useless, or it may make the medication harmful or toxic to your body. Having said this, there are also medications that don’t have harmful interactions with alcohol – but it’s important to check before consuming alcohol, to ensure you’re not putting yourself at risk. You should always consult your doctor or pharmacist about whether it is safe to drink alcohol if you are on medication. However, whether you’re taking any medicine or not, it is important to take alcohol in moderation. This means no more than 14 units a week, whether you’re male or female, spread over three or more days, with several drink-free days every week – and no bingeing.