Written by Dr. Wale Okediran
I am a 20- year old undergraduate in one of the Institution of Higher Learning in the country. My problem is that when I am in bed with my girlfriends, I quickly ejaculate. This has caused me a lot of strain with my girlfriends. Your kind advice will be highly appreciated.

Busayo (by SMS)
It is believed that a large percentage of those who suffer from Premature Ejaculation (PE) are the anxious and nervous type with usually feeling of low esteem. It can also occur among high achievers who are usually in a hurry and find it difficult to relax. A smaller percentage of patents usually have an underlying ailment such as haemorrhoids (pile) hypertension or diabetes. Therefore, the first line of treatment is for you to see a doctor who will give you a general medical examination including some laboratory tests. Through this, we can rule out any of the above named diseases. If however, these diseases exist, they would be treated. However, if it is discovered that there is, no medical basis for your ailment then you would need some counselling on the psychological causes of premature ejaculation. When an individual suffers from low esteem he usually finds it difficult to control his sexual urge and thus the quick ejaculation. Similar incidents may follow due to the same anxious state with the development of a vicious circle of event. The treatment is mainly that of support and reassurance. This is easier done when you have an understanding and steady partner. In this kind of situation, marriage is advisable because it will afford the kind of genial and calm atmosphere which the treatment of the ailment desires. As for those who are always in a hurry, there is the urgent need to reduce their work load and create more time for relaxation. They should not see sex as just another item on their busy schedule which must be done away with as quickly as possible.