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My wife denied me sex for 96 months, slapped, punched me always —Husband

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AN OBSESSION for Pentecostal papas and believing everything they say has earned an elderly man of Lusaka’s Makeni area, Zambia, severe beatings from his angry wife.

Speaking with swollen cheeks from inside the dock of the Lusaka Boma Local Court, where his 53-year old wife, Ines Tembo, had sued him for reconciliation, Mulenga  Zimba pleaded with the court to prolong his life by dismissing her petition.

According to Zambia Observer, the 52-year -old complained to the court that besides sexually starving him for 96 months, his wife was a bully and also violent.

Mulenga testified that his wife had a dangerous left hand which she frequently used to subject him to painful slaps.

He even presented to court a souvenir of his marital beatings in form of a badly torn t-shirt he had been wearing during one of the many brutal beating sessions at the hands of his wife.

As if that was not enough to instill fear in him, Mulenga revealed that a prophet from his church  revealed that his wife was a witch, who, using the powers of black magic had kept him in perpetual poverty and misfortune.

Mulenga further told the court that the same prophet also informed him that his wife had fed him with charms which made him relinquish his powers as the man of the house.

“When she heard that she was divined to be a witch, she beat me three times and even tore my new shirt to shreds.

She has a very dangerous left hand with which she beats me with. I am sure everyone knows how painful blows delivered by a left-handed people can be,” Mulenga said.

But in her submissions, Ines admitted to beating her husband although she denied being a witch as suggested by his prophet.

Ines explained that she had resorted to beating Mulenga because of his obsessions for Papas and believing whatever they told him.

She also accused Mulenga of being a womaniser going out with different women whom he claimed were only his church members.

“He hasn’t touched me since 2015. I sat him down with our relatives and he told them that he doesn’t want me anymore,” explained Ines.

Ines said she still loved her husband and wanted to remain married to him so that they could keep their four children together.

The Senior Local Court magistrate, Mpundu Mwape Fwambo asked the couple if Mulenga if he paid his wife’s dowry at the time of their marriage in 1994.

When both Mulenga and Ines confirmed that dowry was never paid, the court announced that their 29 years of staying together was nothing more than a long sleepover.

“You two just know each other. You have just been boyfriend and girlfriend for 29 years because no dowry was paid.

“You were just cohabiting. This is why you had no peace in your marriage because you were both not counseled by marriage councilors.

“So this marriage reconciliation has failed because there is no marriage to reconcile,” said Fwambo.



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