“A good name is better than silver or gold” is a popular saying to help guide one away from acts that could tarnish one’s image and personality. Some misguided students refer to examination malpractice as being ‘smart’ but they are wrong. This is because it could negatively affect their lives. In the light of the recent incident involving a UTME result which has raised questions about Nigeria’s educational sector, some students of Amao College, Akingbile, Ibadan, Oyo State, share their views on examination malpractices during their visit to Tribune House on excursion.
Oluwafunmilayo James, 16 yrs old, SSS 3

Examination malpractice is rampant in our society. In my view, the major cause is laziness on the part of the student who engages in it. Unfortunately, some parents are guilty of this act too because they bribe teachers. I feel that enforcement of the law against it is not enough. Lack of improvement in the standard of education is responsible for it too. Some students are addicted to it the extent that they engage in it throughout their academics, from primary to the higher institution. The solution to this problem starts from parents/guardian who should encourage their children to study hard and also warn them against any form of malpractice. Government should also ensure punishment to deter intending students. Every student should be willing to put in effort to succeed in their examinations.
Fridaus Asimiyu, SSS 1
The major cause of examination malpractices is unpreparedness on the part of students, so they seek shortcuts to pass their examinations. In my opinion, the best ways to curb this act are: enlightenment of students on the consequences of the act; encouragement of students to study hard; punishment of teachers, parents, and officials who engage in the act. I recommend that parents who engage in examination malpractice should be arrested because they are not teaching their children to face life in the real sense of it. Schools found wanting in the act should be closed down.
Chukwuemeka Victoria, 13 yrs old, SSS 1
Examination malpractice has been a problem facing schools over a long period, and it is done by students who are not prepared to work hard. Other factors responsible for examination malpractice are laziness, parental neglect, over pampering by parents. When a child is over-pampered by their parents, they believe that their parents can go to any length to get anything for them. When a student is lazy, both at school and home, he or she would want to spy at other people’s answer booklets, etc. There are ways out of this. They are: hard work, enlightenment on the dangers of the act, reading ahead of class, attentiveness and asking questions in class, and having the fear of God.
Abimbola Bamidele, SSS 2
Students engage in examination malpractice in different forms: by bringing in prepared answers into the examination hall, asking for answers from other students, and manipulation of results. Peer pressure, lack of study materials, crave for a higher grade but not willing to work towards achieving it contribute to this. Students found guilty of this offense should be punished.
Abisaola Adebayo, SSS 3
Examination malpractice involves illegal ways of passing exams. Some of the ways are bribing of teachers or lecturers in other to earn a good pass mark, making use of phones, impersonation, and the like. Students have various reasons to justify their involvement in examination malpractice but the truth is no reason is enough for involving in wrong acts. Some of the things that encourage include threats from parents to pass at all cost, laziness in reading, etc. Public enlightenment through the media (radio, television, newspaper, one-on-one talk) will go a long way to warn against the risk and consequences of the act. In addition, proper punishment or sanction should be given to anyone caught in the act to serve as a deterrent to others who might be thinking or planning to do same.
Joshua Oyediran, SSS 2
My submission on this topic is that examination malpractice is not good for students, as it tarnishes and also destroys their names, if caught in the act. There are some things that influence those who get involved in the act. Examples of such is the wrong saying that ‘school is a scam,’ peer pressure, inability to read and comprehend, etc. Notwithstanding, my plea to students is that, irrespective of the situation they find themselves — especially those who combine trading or skill learning with their studies — there are no two ways to passing an examination than reading in order not to fail. Therefore, every student, on their part, should be committed to this and see God crown the efforts.