African healthcare authorities and industry specialists came together at AfriSummit 2024, a four-day hybrid event dedicated to advancing pharmaceutical and medical device regulations along with interactive training in eCTD and pharmacovigilance, all to achieve a healthier Africa.
Set at the Grand Nile Tower, the summit attracted more than 300+ delegates and featured over 80 thought leaders from regulatory, legal, manufacturing, and distribution sectors.
The Egyptian Drug Authority, which was one of the main authorities present at AfriSummit 2024, had Dr Rasha Ziada, the EDA Chairman Assistant for Professional Development and Capacity Building Affairs, conduct the opening where she mentioned, “Achievement of WHO maturity level 3 is not just a milestone but a responsibility on us; we are responsible for supporting other African countries to reach the same level.”
Dr Rasha has also expressed that “As a regulatory authority, our mission extends beyond safeguarding and overseeing the use of medicines at the national level; it also reaches across Africa.”
AfriSummit 2024 highlighted innovative approaches to drug trials and approvals, enriched by workshops like eCTD Training and Pharmacovigilance. Dr. Mona Al Moussli, Chairman of AfriSummit, stated, “This year’s AfriSummit was truly extravagant, featuring a remarkable participation of industry leaders. Their insightful presentations underscored the crucial need for harmonisation in regulatory practices across Africa, paving the way for a more integrated healthcare landscape.”
Key dignitaries presented their regulatory insights, underscoring the event’s importance in enhancing compliance and improving healthcare standards.
In addition, AfriSummit 2024 was honourably attended by ambassadors, ministers, and diplomats from across the African continent.
Dr. Najiba Al Shezawy, Co-Chairman of AfriSummit, expressed her gratitude for the participation of various African authorities this year, stating, “We deeply appreciate the contributions of all participating African NRAs, whose insights and engagement are crucial for strengthening our regulatory frameworks and fostering collaboration across the continent.”
Attendees actively engaged in comprehensive roundtable discussions with representatives from key healthcare authorities, fostering an environment of collaboration that aimed at addressing the regulatory challenges and opportunities facing the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors.
The summit affirmed its status as the leading annual gathering for the regulatory affairs in pharmaceutical, medical device, and healthcare sectors across Africa, all of which are experiencing significant growth.
As AfriSummit 2024 wrapped up, it sent a powerful message of collaboration and dedication to enhancing healthcare standards across the continent. The event reinforced its position as a crucial platform for fostering cooperation among stakeholders and driving transformative change in the pharmaceutical landscape.